1244 8 3
I was talking to this famous female artist
at the reception, (as if I knew anything,)
“If you want to be taken as a serious artist now,
you have to have one long serious eyebrow.”
There was no reaction. So, I said:
“Also, you should kn
941 1 0
Sick of sight, Ai Kitano constructed glasses by which the wearer was rendered totally blind.
2020 6 2
He told of the wilting heat, the fulgent landscape, the people....
963 15 8
But even if the truth
Never sets me free
I'll know this ain't the end of me
1360 14 8
In the gutter, the paper signs turned back to pulp.
1431 5 5
1257 6 7
The last night, I shivered in bed until three a.m.,
the blankets wouldn’t work,
or the socks,
or my tears,
but I reassured my heart
that my next love would be warmer.
He was.
And our air conditioning bill was so high we could’t afford it.
841 23 8
but all I can give them now are air hugs
1370 16 9
If love could only by heat be bound
656 2 0
Their son doesn’t eat anything. They can’t see how he keeps growing.
He’s like an air plant, living on air alone, all the while knowing
they themselves will never live on air alone again.
They sewed their wild oats. They lived their universal life
1088 1 1
It's called the Knee Defender. But I prefer to think of it as the Schmuck Identifier.
1139 0 0
Tent City has gone quiet. There is a deadline. I heard it on the news. I’ve never thought about the word before. How in this place it means what it means.
1003 4 0
We construct what we want, from what has failed in the past. We thought this worked. The picture was buzzing for me and I tried to hold on. I went blindly forward.
1172 3 2
A young boy, breathing heavily from running, stopped at her feet, barely able to speak,
1192 14 9
the wind mistook your arms for wings
1375 3 3
They said AK, AK, if you want to come here, if you want to come to Antioch, you have to bring your A+ game. If you want to run with the big boys. That’s what they said. So I brought my A+ game.
1229 0 0
I struck up a conversation with the cricket. We talked about Super Nintendo and cookies and we fell asleep on the boulder. The next morning, I woke up and offered the cricket a donut. He enjoyed the donut thoroughly...
1378 0 0
Track One Johnny Burkemeister, lead vocals and flutist of the band Albatross Antics, sits on his bed thinking in silence. His elbow rests on his knee, and his palm on his forehead with his fingers running through his dirty-blonde hair. He is staring at a copy of Paste…
1904 8 5
Albert Walks When Albert walks he is astonished. Ripe fruit falls to the ground at his feet, offering itself. The earth's tremor rumbles, celebratory, through his mended shoes and up his shins. The birds darting through the sky above …
1500 4 2
The stern tone of the chairwoman made him miss his mother, the snap of her accusations, the sting of her belt on the backs of his legs.
773 3 2
My grandfather’s soul
And his infinite high-pitched laughter
And the alcohol that
Brought him closer to heaven
But that wreaked havoc
Among his family
And my father
Washes down the gullies of the
1135 4 1
Couldn't get that first beer past his nose. Fared no better with wine, gagging on red and white. Then someone fixed him screwdriver.
634 4 4
When Alex says “sorry” in that barely disguised Canadian accent, we call him an asshole.
956 2 0
I was going to write a love poemabout a man named Alex and agirl named Dee Dee, but I couldn'tremember them as well as I wanted. I knew about the time she painted theirnames on the overpassbut I have forgottenthings about them. I don't know what became of…
527 5 1
Prologue Late at night, an old man named Drevin Philpott stands on the deck of a cruise ship, looking out at the sea. The man is hunched and very small. His arms and legs are thin and he's got a bowling ball for a gut. He's standing on a chair so he can…
842 0 0
Alexander, Macedonian Boy-King, / having arrived at conquered Corinth, said: / "I would like to meet that famous madman / this land of wisdom-loving fools has bred."
239 6 3
1864 9 3
The year I lick so much windowpane off stamps I have to use Elmer's glue to back the twenty-center for a postcard cash request to my mother, that I am alive note at the end of term, is the year of all the "wine" parties.
"Wine" is what we put down
995 4 4
It was that special ache between heart and stomach that made me stop things. That ache that cannot be caused by the mere knowledge that you have steered your life into a completely wrong direction. To feel this pain, you also need to have no clue why and how it…
1482 8 1
She had a strange name which I am ashamed/
To have forgotten, seven times, maybe nine,/
Her lips transgressors, wet with sourapple ...