Alphabetical stories

K Model

11071107 views99 comments66 favs

Plans were all set. We were leaving this town. We'd been creeping around long enough and Marla wanted nothing more than to get out and away from the shallow, old bastard she married. “Fuck his mansion and fuck his country club”, she said. We both agreed that he…


11421142 views22 comments00 favs

Now it's late. I am hanging upside down from a rope coiled around my crushed left ankle, the pain too sharp to be really felt, as the excess blood to my head makes my thoughts fuzzy. I am almost two meters from the rock face, thirty-five hundred meters above sea-level, the…


10731073 views55 comments55 favs

Summer nights or frozen winter, the crackles of his black.


21302130 views2525 comments1919 favs

My mother was a child of the death camps, passed her adolescence there. Survived.

Kafka, Smashed

10181018 views99 comments77 favs

perhaps I am only being transported not for replacement but for repair

Kai (excerpt)

13901390 views66 comments44 favs

Oh the mathematics of solitude. I wish your father there. I read your wanting subtracted between the lines. He is almost gone. Hallucinates, not awake even though eyes are open. Yesterday he saw the baby brother you never met. I light four ultramarine…

Kamal (from "Echoes: Five Men Speak")

11761176 views11 comment00 favs

Hoo-ah! I love these open mikes, I get a chance to pour it out, this… whatever it is, this passion, all this love from I’ll never know where, and then, and then, sometimes, too much hate. Everything’s like all zowie!—splashing scarlet and purple,

Kandie Contretemps

11441144 views44 comments22 favs

She sat in a tall chair and there was only one time in the interview that she took her sunglasses off. She didn't really take them off, but just pulled them down for an instant with thumb and forefinger in order to look out at something going past the window. They said…

Kanha's Dream

12181218 views00 comments00 favs

"Look at the grime on those curtains. Not fit for an Emperor. Pull them down. Put up fresh new ones. Not a spot." "Oh! Look at this throne. All uneven legs. The gems are not shining. The gold looks dull. Fix it, fix it, fix it!"


10981098 views55 comments33 favs

Karen was a shy horse.

Karen's Song from 1967

999999 views11 comment00 favs

I had to go to the lost and fondue.

Karma Wash, Hog Wash, and Swill

10021002 views33 comments33 favs

The beer on the shore is Lapping at the foam of memory And I can’t sit still Until I take my pill Karma Wash, Hog Wash and Swill I went to the top of the heap At the bottom of the Hill I saw a bum’s sign that read: “Will eat dog food for

Karma, Old Dogs, and Fine Men

13761376 views33 comments11 fav

“You people remember the thing you learned in science about every action creating its own equal and opposite reaction? The same is true in other realms. All of existence is continually recycled…again and again in infinite permutations. In other words,

Karmic Rip Cord

845845 views33 comments22 favs

For the kid in me who fell head over heels all the way down the stars, I wonder where you are now. Slack is harder to cut than you might think, I have learned. And assigning the middle finger its true purpose keeps me pretty bus

Karmic Tide

13611361 views1010 comments44 favs

Digging in another garden, jumping into another space and time, I impaled a toad on the tines of a garden fork. At first I thought the toad was a clump of clay, stuck to the thick tine, but before I could kick the clay off with my…

karmic youth

898898 views22 comments00 favs

We were so easy, so willing to be drained, that to start making those puffed-up stories about us now, our courage, etc. would be purely misleading. Put a bottle, or glass of wine in our hand, and our panties flew off, and gladly we would have followed y

Kash Mire

10031003 views44 comments33 favs

You watch with frigid eyes, as their soggy woolens squelch dark mud, even smiling a little as they make croaking frog-lure noises. You know eventually a toad or two would land in the Frogger. You like the word Frogger.


13171317 views66 comments33 favs

It’s that laugh of hers that gets me...


944944 views00 comments00 favs

"Happy New Year Willie."


11081108 views44 comments33 favs

Katie died on Tuesday.


12581258 views88 comments77 favs

"I've been on eight blind dates in three days," she tells me. I can't quite work the math out, but somehow the combination of her wildly undulating eyebrows and harsh vocal tone manage to convince me."I can play the kazoo," I tell her. It's my one saving grace--the thing…

Keep a Lid on It

14271427 views44 comments44 favs

Eventually, all the windows on the street went dark, each small house cloaking its occupants in a world unto itself, soundproofed and emotionally remote.

Keep Breathing

933933 views22 comments11 fav

While you sleep, I wait for you to die.

Keep it, Curt

14041404 views3838 comments1818 favs

Just move out.

Keep more opinions to yourself

951951 views33 comments33 favs

You read your fortune cookie:

Keep the Change

13331333 views22 comments22 favs

Jacob could tell it was a man he had just walked past, a broken man with an olive green Vietnam era military jacket, a man who had probably served his country as honorably as anyone chosen at lottery and forced to kill for a subsistence wage…

Keep the Peace

13971397 views1515 comments55 favs

I thought, what are we talking about? Botox?

Keep Your Man Crazy in Love the Redbook Way

14371437 views00 comments00 favs

You are like gasoline on the fire of my desire–you send me higher and higher into paroxysms of earth-shaking erotic explosions. Remember–the “light” catfood is the kind in the turquoise bag.


15151515 views1313 comments44 favs

His hands go up and down on me. You love me don't you he says. I don't know I say.

Keeping a Picture

875875 views11 comment00 favs

Michelangelo's David will gird his loins, Rodin's Thinker will look up in wonder, because you are a Pygmalion; a Hermione.