Stories tagged humor

I'm SO Bored of Being Retarded

191191 views44 comments22 favs

And another thing is, I don’t want you to think I’m not happy by the fact that supposing I don’t want to think much at all anymore, well, I well don’t have to. I’m not made to think, meaning I was once pressurized to by pressures. BUT. Those days are over

The Writing Contest

2626 views00 comments00 favs

Due to this author's unavailability as a result of a paralyzing writer's block...

The Woman in the Wet Raincoat

44 views33 comments00 favs

I sat in the dark, waiting for my client. Floorboards squeaked as someone climbed the stairs and stopped outside the door. At that exact moment the power came back on. I jumped at the sound of knuckles knocking on frosted glass and glanced at the bolt in the stud where I…

stop bullying racists

790790 views00 comments00 favs

Everyone wants to feel like the world has lined up against them and any achievement they have been able to attain was done despite the best efforts of everyone who isn't them. That's a given. But there is one group of people who seem to have a point.

Laughing and Looking for Love

13831383 views99 comments77 favs

"Think of every sexual partner you've ever had. I'm nothing like them. Unless you've ever slept with a bulimic German cellist called Elsa."

Confessions of a Cursing Librarian

12851285 views88 comments44 favs

Under no circumstances can you say "fuck" when you're working in a public library. Especially in the junior room.

Semi Lenovo

2727 views22 comments00 favs

I have a newer model computer named Semi Lenovo, who, it is rumored, used to be some sort of rock star, but now sits under the command of my fingertips. More or less. She does, I admit, sometimes seem to have a mind of her own and often runs off at the, f

Bitter Orange

12621262 views00 comments00 favs

A poison bouquet of Merlot and brown floor muck bloomed in Seth’s nose. It’s one thing to sniff a freshly decanted red and another thing to shower in it.


12241224 views1313 comments77 favs

That year, if you asked Al, was truly the best of times, the worst of times.

Dear God, know me, from Adam

1753617536 views3939 comments1313 favs

When God created Adam and then Eve, he thought they were fucking awesome. It's true that Eve grew on him but even so: awesome.

Timmy's Singularity

967967 views55 comments44 favs

Suddenly, the room was filled with a screaming vortex directed at a pinpoint in the corner. Timmy's bureau was gone and everything loose in the room was flying towards the spot it had occupied. Timmy stood up in horror. He tried to seal this rent by tossi

Larry Swain's Universe

992992 views66 comments33 favs

By fiddling with the time space continuum and mixing in liberal quantities of quarks from his "Li'l Bang Dimensional Digester", Larry created an entirely new universe in his garage. This was a flagrant violation of Cosmic Law. It could not be ignored, nor

Dog's Friend

6666 views11 comment22 favs

In fairness, Jerry had made a convincing St. Bernard. Jerry’d convinced not only Barnard but his owner before Barnard, as well -- a man who clung to the handle “Old Pete.”

In the Rejection Seat

6767 views00 comments00 favs

I have always been a writer. Not a particularly good one, but I knew which end of the pencil should face the paper.

Me and Mike Meet God (Excerpt)

113113 views00 comments00 favs

You ever have one of them epiphanies? You know, when something simple causes ya to glimpse reality through your buzz? Yeah, I got that. Happened just a while ago to me.