Stories tagged flash-fiction


3939 views77 comments22 favs

Tiny tree frogs forgot about the intrusion, tuned up, puffed out their throats and continued rehearsing a love song. Crickets who knew the tune stretched their hind legs and joined in.

Rancho Relaxo on Cherry Street

3939 views00 comments00 favs

I told him many of the newly formed countries in Eastern Europe have been taking inspiration from Walt Disney for their flags, and that’s why they’re so colorful.

The New Wife

219219 views2222 comments1313 favs

She was better than a Harvey Wallbanger a Screwdriver or a White Russian.

Lovelies on the Beach

12531253 views1616 comments33 favs

He doesn’t intend to lie after this. For now, he just wants to take in the sea and the quiet.


11741174 views77 comments44 favs

Kids said the boiler room was haunted. I don’t know if it was true then but it sure is now.


1212 views00 comments00 favs

So, have you heard about Tweezer? It’s an offshoot of the band Wheezer

Godiva and the Vampire

1919 views22 comments00 favs

Finally after lost hours I open the green baize door and find her sprawled naked before the fireplace. The snicker of burning wood's the only voice small enough to frustrate our mutual fixed gaze.


12301230 views00 comments00 favs

". . . with the impact of a 18-wheeler jack-knifed into a Mini-Cooper as it hits the surface."


887887 views00 comments00 favs

She lets the book drop through her fingers to the floor and stares straight ahead watching the red lights streak by in the darkness. The train rocks her away from the seat and back; she rolls her spine along the plastic to absorb the motion, taking it away from…

Reuben and Rosemary

4444 views22 comments11 fav

80 words. From a prompt: Write a piece about a restaurant whose menus rhyme.

The Cutting Edge

7171 views1717 comments88 favs

Lithium will kill you, though not very nicely...


12151215 views33 comments00 favs

my molars are dancing, tekka-tekking to the strung-out paint can groove of my heart.

World Cup 2010: As Seen from Hotel Floor

2020 views22 comments00 favs

Thank you for being you, and not someone legal.

Under Perfect Conditions...

18751875 views3232 comments1616 favs

If when he pulled his lips from mine he didn’t say a word, and if he didn’t try to explain or try to win me with bullshit...

Minerva Gets Pierced by Love

26782678 views1111 comments66 favs

Minerva one night had a change of plans, for Mr. Wright knocked on her door in the form of a potbellied perv with a Vaseline mustache.