Since Maria had died so young, Israel had no love for God.
They lay on their sides, facing each other. Eyes closed, in restful repose. The faintest hint of smiles on their lips. Their feet pointed to each other, their bent knees almost touching. They were an arm's length from each other, their arms extended towards each other. Of…
He came running out of his narrow little shop, Berthillon
and chased me down the Ilse St. Louis street, saying,
“Monsieur, Monsieur, nous avon pamplemousse!
It’s ici, Monsieur. Your pamplemousse.
They just come in this matin, morning
and I’
He has stubby, rough little fingers. Good.
His menacing gaze fixes upon the blind harlequin, the jerky motions of its wiry hands; the pneumatic, spinning mechanism lodged in its skeletal c
Afshan met Mr. Lee at Times Square Mall. They dined at the Hunan Garden. He bought her a pair of $300 earrings at Chow Tai Fook. Compensated dating paid well. He was very handsome. Sparks of silver in his hair…
Afshan met Mr. Lee at Times Square Mall. They dined at the Hunan Garden. He bought her a pair of $300 earrings at Chow Tai Fook. Compensated dating paid well. He was very handsome. Sparks of silver in his hair…
A bum leaves his shopping cart
in the middle of the intersection
at 7th Ave and Perry St
and walks away
leaving everything behind
Shopping cart gets hit
by an onslaught of
yellow taxis whizzing by
The contents flying out
into the hum
I thought, how beautiful it all is, to be driving through storms in the Pass, the danger of it all and how our lives in the moment were similar, despite the fact of our differences ...
A week ago, Lina had felt a pain crack over her right eyebrow. It was there every day, creeping from her ear to the middle of her forehead.
You’re amazed because before, you had only your heart to see with but now you have eyes, ears and everything, everywhere is amplified...
Do you remember back then, that time so long ago before you could walk with only two feet, before you had to learn to kill with anything but teeth?
Iris, take us back
We’ll live in the corner
like mice
We’ll live with our
suitcases tucked
under our wings
like termites
Iris of our eye
we want to move back
to your apartment on the ground
We promise not to leave
or wander
Recently, I've been swishing my wash and wear shorts and socks, in bug spray mixed with water.
"Your arms are gazelles I have to bring down with my teeth", said Jacob