The javelin was cancelled after the unfortunate incident with Mrs Parker last year, but no one could have predicted this year’s sack race tragedy.
But my hatred is more meaningful, she said, because I hate your entire person...
Man wolfing banana in his car
as an Asian girl walks by
with bare shoulders
showing cleavage
his head following her
until it’s twisted 180 degrees
then he opens a container
of juice, does 3 quick Hail Marys
signs of the cross
He bounced over the beach, twirling and leaping as the sunlight warmed the breeze on his belly, like when he and Janie were six. His jacket slid down his arms into a Batman cape and he laughed as he skidded to a stop and crashed onto his back, mouth open and eyes…
He bounced over the beach, twirling and leaping as sunlight warmed the breeze on his belly, like when he and Janie were six.
Inside her there is life throbbing, an urge to live, to seize what lies before her, beauty, love. Across the table she sits, reserved in a dark blue jacket, her short hair a fluttering black sheen. Hesitant and thrilled, waiting for an opening to ask:
Two crabs, Glup and Churg, sit on the beach watching incoming waves.
This is the record of a drowning.
i think god composed afternoons with crayons
“Mommy,” the voice was thin as a fledgling's. “I'm here, baby,” I said. An arm rose from the pavement and small fingers wound themselves into my…
“Convergence in five hundred and fifty two seconds. You know the drill people. Miss your cue, you die. Well,” there was a hollow laugh. “… you know.” After a few awkward seconds the intercom crackled and went silent.
Under different circumstances I would have considered Tarawa a paradise. But when we landed there on 20 November 1943, the thoughts I had of my wife frolicking on this white sandy beach similar to the one in Hawaii where we spent our honeymoon, turned to blood…
Far away or up close, she appeared just like anyone else, a young woman with pale arms and legs and a milk-face unblemished by a single freckle or pimple or blotch. Only when she turned a certain way did it become clear that what rested atop her muscle an
To give you an answer I burn my hair in your kitchen.
Reports have been spreading fast
that an actual living poet
has been found right outside the
borders of Berkeley
Rumors grew into a wildfire of speculation
Saturday night when one of them
a tall graying older specimen
more or less in the