1188 2 1
Forgetting her inhibitions, she dove for him.
106 21 6
Twisting and twirling, nearing velocity terminal, the wishbones in their chests rise and fall with the cadence of different bird songs calling. As they whistle down each is distinctively screaming.
214 20 9
I’m nowhere near as clever as George Saunders. You might be here looking for something else, something more profound or even biting satire or absurdism but, nope, just me in a cave.
1804 9 3
She's standing outside the 7-11, skirt up round her ass. Ripe. She could be a whore but she looks way too classy. Plus she has a huge soda - I'd guess diet - and a Twinkie.
1676 6 1
At dinner in Marrakech, Namid danced on the table, waving a white napkin, propelled by jetlag and poor judgment.
1236 7 1
Things don't always go to plan. Gem knew what people would have said back then, of course. She wasn't stupid.
1425 10 5
'Do you feel that, my little one?' Stillness. Calm. I felt the baby move her tiny little feet and smiled.
472 2 2
A universe of knowledge, soon all lost, thrown out with the orange peels.
76 8 2
When the neighbor's house was broken into, I advised him to buy a dog.
36 10 5
The new dawn broke. A furious ball of red and orange whipped itself into a swirling, fiery column, several hundred feet thick. A violet ring hovered, spitting bits of blue and purple back into the atmosphere.
34 2 0
She closed her eyes and fell into a drum roll. Trust now and let go.
48 15 6
The money floated in and out on a reckless tide.
1465 13 3
As American as hotdogs and apple pie...
1529 11 5
A nun once told me to watch my tongue. This is not an easy thing to do.
1351 12 9
All young and loud and big and I swear her face like a lighthouse lamp, glowing—I remember thinking, ‘She’s drunk at nine in the morning.’