Stories tagged flash-fiction

Mother's Day

953953 views44 comments22 favs

By lunch: The dryer is an F-5 dervish of mismatched socks, blue jeans and your yellowing college T's, lovingly held onto. For a moment there is a comforting warmth and softness to their smell. In the debris strewn landscape of the living room a carcass

Ripped From the Headlines

1515 views00 comments00 favs

“Economic Stress in the U.S. is Easing More Slowly” brought to you straight from the office of Mumbo Jumbo in Wash D.C. (as in Wash your Dirty Closet) All day long the junior interns sit around their squeaky clean, orderly desks thinking


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Che at Barnes & Noble

6868 views1919 comments88 favs

You are Che. You are Ernesto Guevara and you did not die the martyr’s death in Bolivia.

If IT Were YOU

10401040 views00 comments00 favs

author's note: the borgs in this story have been programmed to think of themselves as IT and in speech refer to selves as YOU* Though IT too had ball and socket joints, the Borg could not sit down to face ITs inquisitor. While IT felt the need to clean up the fallen…

Simple Parameters

9797 views1818 comments99 favs

She kept the list in her purse, never showed it to friends. If she knew her words would not break him, she would say, it should be stricter, not so permissive. But she didn’t.

The Cost of Love

10761076 views66 comments22 favs

I was, so I was told, the product of much hard work and a lot of invasive procedures. Initially, I'm sure my parents were making love, but then came the slog, the repeated failed attempts at getting one of mother's millions of eggs fertilized. Those tadpoles just couldn't…

Body Double

8484 views66 comments22 favs

John woke up in the dark and the dark was moving.

Stormy Weather

2424 views22 comments00 favs

To hell with it, I thought. If it goes in, we go in with it. Wish my ex was here.

Law and Order

1717 views22 comments00 favs

In eight years as a murder police I’ve authored forty-eight murders.

Caprice Classic

11631163 views22 comments00 favs

A cloud of light, white smoke floated out of the driver’s side window. Nate and Zach sat on the front bench seat, talked, and puffed away. “Breath in and say Mom is coming,” said Zach.

Deep Pockets

19851985 views1111 comments99 favs

Garage-sale variety olive-green corduroy, elbow patches, hems too short. His jacket pocket produced answers one afternoon like strips of paper from cracked fortune cookies.

Ru and Win

3434 views55 comments33 favs

He touches Ruthie’s hand-me-down things. They stink like the soap Ma boils clothes in and a little bit like Ruthie, too. Sweat and dirt and the way girls smell.

Van Gogh: Sidewalk Cafe at Night

10911091 views22 comments00 favs

The heart of those stars is a dab of yellow light. The darkness of the blue night appears so deep because the downward strokes of the actual sky are interspersed with a violet that’s almost black,

Everybody Needs a Soul

17651765 views1717 comments88 favs

They are running the bulls in Pamplona this afternoon and they have no idea how to do this and they are way too old for this and they want to relive their youth and run the bulls in Pamplona They want to drink like Ernest Hemingway and run