Planned developments have garages in the back, hasty retreat and advance protected by the Genie Automatic, come and go and go and come, waving is optional.
One day, Frank woke up from a terrible dream. He dreamed of a cat dying. He didn’t feel like he learned anything from the dream.
All eyes aim towards the heavens.
"... not just a jerk, you're like the king of the jerks!" the Black man said as they came into earshot. "When other jerks look for leadership, they just pick up their cell phone and you're pre-programmed in as the first entry on their speed dial!"
The lights turn on, the audience cheers. He raises his guitar, steps up to the microphone and sings. The rock star. He is a god.
When you take her grocery shopping
take a list and make her stick to it
as she forgets and duplicates a lot
She is also very generous
and will insist on buying you something
I think she cannot live without fresh flowers
or plants that are bl
He’d just returned from the restroom and ingesting a hallucinogen when the plane blew apart, hurtling him through the air like a tossed boomerang.
Charlie Parker never had a gig like this. I imagined he did, once, like me, steep mushrooms and make a potion, though I doubt he plodded through thick snow, soaking his sneakers and savoring the cold licking his toes, and making a contract with the full moon, to never…
The north street was always a mean part of Port Neches. Too far up for oil company patrols ...
There were literally thousands of criteria that got people of every stripe and strata on the list, which had been maintained since before the very first human fingers scrawled crude images on blank surfaces.
He had no leg to stand on and so what could he do but fall down, which is exactly what he did.
She would turn her back to me and giggling commence with "green light" at which point I would begin tearing my clothes off...
In his dream, he was choking on an ice cube. He didn’t know what would happen first — if it would melt or he would die.
She told her husband that he would be the death of her, and he was. She had a stroke. I saw her in the hospital, and I told my wife later that I hoped they would pull the plug. I didn't recognize her. Her skin was the color of a weathered fence. She
...the ferris wheel whirls ever faster, flipping children off into the air like mud off a mountain bike's tire.