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A Girl's Legs Stirring The Air

22842284 views33 comments22 favs

A girl’s legs stirring the air up behind his back as he lies between her thighs stirring the air repetitively like a sea anemone stirring the water to feed the soul, the hunger between the legs and arms for new life, stirring up

Apology + Opportunity

11271127 views44 comments11 fav

What I need to secure from you now are two swears on this copy of Camp Bylaws for the Hearty and True that you won’t let my misinformed intrusion dampen your beginnings.

Psychological Profile for "Joe"

11091109 views22 comments11 fav

He boasts of administering regular beatings to his wife and claims that she enjoyed it.


10231023 views11 comment22 favs

and like the want of weather, we walk away or come close

Wrong Number

457457 views33 comments11 fav

He tilted his head at his monitor and exhaled “No.” Minutes later, he tilted his head the other way and more sharply exclaimed “No!” Then he began over the next quarter hour simply to stare at the data stream before him, which left him speechless.

The Untimely Death of the Old Forgotten Man

12801280 views44 comments22 favs

I watched haunted as my pearl tooth circled the rotten porcelain sink. I could feel my hair thinning and my pale skin suddenly felt too loose.

Creamy, Dreamy, Coppertone Cologne

872872 views11 comment11 fav

and live for that moment

Double Vision

943943 views33 comments22 favs

To conceive of them separated was unthinkable to every wet-eyed soul at the burial.


730730 views22 comments22 favs

His name was Gino. I’ll leave out the last name, not that I think it matters anymore. He came into my dad’s gas station on the near North side of Chicago to have work done on his fancy car. I was still a teenager. I accidentally opened the glove compartme

Bloomington, September 2021

184184 views22 comments22 favs

The sun is setting.The leaves are rustling.Their shadow against a weeping willow.A dog's endless bark.A child runs barefoot against the lawn.A bird is chirping against the song of the cicadas.A red chimney in the horizon.No smoke.It is an Indian summer in Bloomington.I sit…

Savings Bonds

957957 views33 comments22 favs

"May I help you?" She was beautiful.

Taking a Job

14011401 views33 comments22 favs

Teaching never occurred to me in college. I took workshops and wrote often. Friends and classmates, meanwhile, switched from studio majors to Art Education, or from English to Certification. Not me. Teaching high-schoolers would be all wrong. Briefly, I…


922922 views33 comments22 favs

I’m sorry. We couldn’t fix the country and left her a bigger mess than we found her Oil leaking from her shores earthquake batter all over her skin We couldn’t fix her, and we’re sorry You’ll find her wreck in tatters at the bus st

In Dubai III

906906 views22 comments22 favs

The boy in the elevator with round glasses, / who carried a newly-purchased broom, / was tall and burdened with clothes


936936 views44 comments00 favs

Sometimes I think there's an octopus in my stomach. In the mornings it stretches and droops its lazy head to one side — It suctions it's tentacles to the walls of my belly and pulls them together forcing me To gag, and vomit what we didn't digest of the…

Sand Dollars

11581158 views33 comments22 favs

“Life is on life’s terms,” she told me once. Her arm, wrapped in clear cellophane, was freshly adorned with a green-pigmented sand-dollar: a living shell.

Finger Lost Finger Found

10171017 views33 comments11 fav

Little Roy Farrell'd taken a bite of his fourth grade teacher's ear as she bent close to help him sound out the word “grace.” Doc Felter had sewn most of teacher's ear back on, but by seventh grade Roy still couldn't read and never understood that he'd in

Model Home

972972 views22 comments11 fav

In the living room of a model home, Mr. Jorgensen lived. He was a mannequin. He spent his days in display windows. He spent his commutes displaying the latest model cars.


10091009 views11 comment22 favs

If it weren't for the different lengths of dock, I would think the river just goes past me. Maybe it does, and the banks move too. Orderly where the clouds are random. I have cormorants, passengers, and salmon. They catch each other. They make my crew money. When did my…

When The Sun Goes Down

941941 views33 comments11 fav

Though his heart aches his melody seems to flow It creeps into the dreams of all in slumber in the valley below


808808 views22 comments22 favs

The space they are in is years long.

The Impending Fall Of Space Junk

893893 views11 comment22 favs

The world is always changing, even if it's in several eras at once.

My Smelly Valentine

12191219 views33 comments22 favs

He asked me if I was going to buy Valentine's for the office this year, and I shook my head. We were in the dollar store, February 13, and I could get a box of twenty kids' Valentines with last year's favourite cartoon…

Paddy Wagon

10831083 views44 comments11 fav

So many are so sick.

Forever and a Day

587587 views22 comments11 fav

Just an abnormal visit to the post office.


13311331 views44 comments22 favs

Martin named it “Squishy” for two reasons. The first reason was because it was the noise it made when it came out of the hole in his basement. The second is because it’s what it did to Grandfather...


966966 views1212 comments00 favs

Your son is six feet tall in the sixth grade. By his sophomore year of high school, he outweighs you by a hundred pounds. He's been offered four football scholarships and one for a sport he's never played. Every morning his mother, your ex ex-wife, makes his breakfast of a…


10141014 views44 comments11 fav

CALENTURE The horizon is marked with the still sculptures of dead gulls; A young man floats off slowly on the…

Pigs Fly

975975 views22 comments22 favs

You are rounded just the way the mountain is, out the window. The sun sets on both of you now. Three of you, I should say: the mountain, and you, and little Frank, who is currently batting my ear because he doesn't want to be named Frank but it's for your dead father,…

Life at the Red Diaper Baby Factory

11661166 views33 comments22 favs

Von Meckel had us all go out and paint this huge red square around the Red Diaper Baby factory. Then he held a big naming rally, at noon, during our lunch break. We weren’t allowed to eat our sandwiches. There was all this pomp and circumstance. We were