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Six Down

11561156 views22 comments22 favs

“You own your own burial plot, but you don't own your home,” he'd said, and I couldn't help but agree.

Kurosawa's Rain

13681368 views22 comments22 favs

The rain fell from the roof. It fell from my voice and and my eyes. Toshiro's Kukichiro stomped gutshot through the mud with his katana. Young and beautiful, Mifumi died there on the screen though he doesn't really die for fifty or more years, they think from something…


13011301 views33 comments22 favs

Six months ago, Gary hired a goateed designer to "defoliate" the office, trucking out all the ficus trees and spanish moss to make room for curved sheets of fiberglass and, as he called it, "negative space." Now, her voice echoes off the concrete floors.

After He Stays

10401040 views66 comments11 fav

When the sex that is new and promising in its awkward moments is over, you turn to him. You expect that he’s figuring out a way to leave; the parts of you that know wait for him to stand up and put his clothes back on, quicker and with more eagerness than

Maybe I Was Better At Shaving My Legs Than I Was At Spreading My Wings

745745 views66 comments22 favs

That new rain smell in your backyard, specifically I remember that, with you. And lying in the grass in a park with you on the 4th of July, maybe in Lombard, watching the blue/grey smoke of the fireworks drifting overhead after they went off, and the sm

Singularities And the Circle Of Convergence

11621162 views55 comments11 fav

There was a knock at the front door of Apartment Number 9. Ace Quana tried to beat his wiener dog, Little Ace to the door, but he could not. For while Little Ace had stubby legs like wet…

Following Questions

12291229 views44 comments11 fav

4. If the property line is a symbol, what about the neighbor girl's window, the flickering candle in her room, her black cotton panties?

11 Bang-Bang

10421042 views33 comments22 favs

The smell of candy and burn... /A patriotic prose poem for the fourth of July.

THE MOON, THE SUN, AND RYAN W. BRADLEY (not quite a fortune-telling)

10931093 views33 comments11 fav

“That’s just Ryan W. Bradley—son of a bitch knows better by now.”

The Island

603603 views33 comments22 favs

There is an island behind the house in which I grew up. It is a network of bicycle paths and booby traps. The past is snared there.

Tuning Pegs

14321432 views22 comments22 favs

Her face had that strange preserved quality Maybelle saw in many aging Boomer women — like an old toy never removed from its packaging.


11171117 views33 comments11 fav



955955 views22 comments22 favs

She laughs and licks it.

Infinite Penis

15111511 views44 comments22 favs

He finds a beach ball and recreates humanity upon it. Kicking it down the shore he wonders how the little people must feel about each other. To place them on such a tiny globe almost seems unfair.

What We Had To Do

16091609 views33 comments22 favs

The dismantled moon was not cold in our hands, but warm, smooth beneath its shell as baby flesh. The musk of its damp, stringy innards filled us with sorrow.

The Mouth Is A Swell Place To Invent Things

997997 views33 comments22 favs

Yesterday I saw Marco Polo getting a tattoo on East Olive. He was practicing Mandarin Chinese with the tattoo artist who was also Chinese. He got a yin yang symbol on his bicep. He looked to the east and saw the hills lift themselves into sky. He grimaced


596596 views11 comment11 fav

My grief is made up of Demons fighting to Claw their way first Out of my eyes

Dapplegrey (Where He Lived)

979979 views33 comments22 favs

A short time ago, a man who lived near me got angry. He woke up one morning and torched his house, with his wife and stepdaughter still inside. He drove up I-35 to the Georgetown airport, got his plane, and flew it into the Echelon Building in Austin.


11351135 views44 comments11 fav

The strawberries remind me of you,Fat and fleshy,Pimple-dimpled.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Flash Before Your Eyes

10771077 views66 comments11 fav

It was the dead of winter. I took my father's shotgun from his closet. He kept it wrapped up in one of those khaki-colored gun tote bags that had a zipper running the whole length of the gun. It was a 16-gauge, single action shotgun. Anyone could tell wha

Story Story

10101010 views44 comments11 fav

It was one of those sweltering afternoons that San Diego endures only several times a summer. I'm riding on El Cajon Boulevard, with my friend John in his old Chevy pickup. John is a lifelong San Diego resident and fanatical Charger backer. He's talking up some…

Looking for Eight

11791179 views22 comments22 favs

She knew there were a few rodeos in south Texas scheduled in the next two weeks. Mostly small-time stuff, but riders who hadn't had much luck might be inclined to improve their scores for the pro circuit. She guessed Lorenzo wasn't having much luck.

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 12

846846 views22 comments22 favs

Ellen and I stepped out into the hall to discuss the situation. Maybe we should make some sort of offer to purchase these paintings, because if it did turn out that they were for real, well, the value could be endless. Think of it. Vladimir Lenin, the pai

The Legend of Knifemouth’s Legendary Mouth Grows

926926 views22 comments22 favs

In the small towns of central and southern Illinois there lives a very indecent sort of man.

Taking Leave

10001000 views44 comments22 favs

A walled city doesn’t let you out any more easily that it has let you in earlier.

Against Poetry

977977 views88 comments11 fav

If you had a choice, be a poet or not, I’d suggest prose for the lines that you jot.

this was very symbolic

893893 views44 comments22 favs

I remember this vivid dream I had once. Maybe you were in it? I’m not sure. There was a gang of spitting men outside this bar, standing beside a whole row of gleaming motorcycles, with tons of chrome, and I remember my dreams were their feathers. They

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

933933 views66 comments11 fav

Eva stepped out of the hut she and Javier shared and slogged through the mud toward the coop to fetch fresh eggs for Javier's breakfast. None existed. Javier became angry when he didn't get his eggs. Eva slowed her pace as she neared the door. She knew wh

Skype's Not for Losers. Really.

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12201220 views22 comments22 favs

My therapist told me I have post traumatic stress disorder My uncle had that He fought in the war I guess I fought in my own kind Not between countries Between children and father Between husband and wife Between addiction and sobriety When my father got…