I know I’m in the sky all night
And can lie back and sometimes have some fun
But these stars around me aren’t everything in life
I still miss the sun
After your first lover threw you back
Into the frozen ocean of life
You never came back
At times we rarely desire to be where we are at home quite as much as we desire to be where we are no longer.
I visited his loft last week. There were many exciting new pictures. Francesco was your main money earner before, now he will be again.
Held tight during the week, clouds now cast off their burden, flinging down a drag-net of sleet.
No preview available due to the brevity of the piece. In fact, this comment itself is longer than the piece.
It’s too early in the morning to play the glockenspiel. I’ll just sit here and knit this tiger.
Most times a vertical word balloon floats before him.
I do not know what zinzins is, what a zinzins is, who zinzins is.
I do not want to know
At first we thought metadata rich, non-hierarchical, network based, multi-provider filesystems were our future. An arduous journey but well worth the efforts for the beforehand unimaginable user experiences enabled by new technologies that thereupon displaced the…
I’ve just moved to New York City and, somehow, Scarlett Johansson is at the same party I’m at.
We floated balloons to my dead uncle in Heaven for closure. I couldn't figure, at age seven, how he was under the ground and in the sky too. Mom touched Dad on the arm. It was Dad's brother. It seemed like Mom was sorry for something…
They look like giant golden raindrops, or flying saucers, or peculiar fish out of their element
like a reflection vanishes
My vagina invites you to a party
Whenever your time frees up
Or now,
Now would be better
Her fingers scampered over the table, practicing the deft stitching of the basilar artery.
About halfway through reading some book that was supposed to be some really deep shit, I decided to write my own book instead.
Isn’t it funny how a mosaic of neurons in our heads receives sensations from the outer world and grows into postulates and letters?
say no / to me / and devastate me / and I will take it / as god's will / to drown me / in a vat / of my own / entrails
The courtroom smelled a lot like mold and it was hot as you could imagine. I sweated through my shirt and wondered if he wasn’t dying under his robe. He looked down at me from his bench and I just knew he was going to call me a commie and sentence me to l
Play somethin’ solemn, they told me, or somethin’ that sounds like home or the mountains in summer.
Six clocks are brought to a tool shed, behind the house (three black, two white, and one red.)
Grand Dad was born in the time where men of honor were never too far when danger arose, like the phlegm and fevers of an oncoming plague.The oversized house felt stagnate and angry as he closed the heavy solid wooden front door behind him. There was an echo that made…
I unzip him out of skin. Find what is dark and black inside. Mistake jutting spine for zipper grooves.
I am not responsible for any nightmares this piece may cause for all you mice lovers!
"Both my parents were hypnotists. As were two of my grandparents."
I underline the passages Momma does in her Bible and circle the same words she does, of the oil Samuel uses to anoint David...
For me, it was that kind of moment. I got to come back. I had been here before and now, well now, I could come back. I had a chance to do it all again, bigger, better and well, just better. I hoped I could remember all that I learned the first time.
He sees how he could release the duck, imagines it winging low over the water to where the others have made it safely.