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Love apathy

11091109 views55 comments44 favs

I smell it, it smells/Of giggles and leg shaking

A Girl / An Elderly Woman / A Bear

13441344 views88 comments44 favs

A girl waiting at the door, heart in a Ziploc. An elderly woman stopping at the bank. A bear in a screaming contest with a troop of girl scouts.


13701370 views1313 comments22 favs

The child closed her eyes again. Outside was sparkling, sharp looking, when she blinked he’d be here, like when she went to sleep and found outside had been whitened with snow. She closed her eyes and opened them, then closed them again. When she opened

Krauts and Doubts

106106 views77 comments44 favs

Moral Dilemmas at Harvard

Exes of All Sorts: A Punk Rock (and Stems of Punk Rock) Compilation

17351735 views44 comments44 favs

"a.k.a. I-D-I-O-T" (The Hives).


10521052 views1010 comments33 favs

I am going to quit clicking refresh, only because it is clear nothing is happening out there. After I click refresh just one more time, that is, and then I am closing the window. After clicking one more last time. …

Cloud Gator

12491249 views44 comments33 favs

First it makes me think about the time I held a live, albeit tranquilized, juvenile gator at a zoo in Florida when I was twelve. (Somewhere these's a photograph, no doubt, of me looking terrified and a gator looking asleep.)

Babies love her

15151515 views1212 comments22 favs

And so. Like.

My Kentucky Fried Ascension (Memoir)

22432243 views1212 comments33 favs a boy I rode once in an elevator with Colonel Sanders...

Thunderstorms in South Dakota

131131 views55 comments44 favs

it rained so hard it flooded our tent and our sleeping bags were floating

What It Took To Be God

881881 views55 comments33 favs

They borrowed birds from the trees And forced me to sing along with them You could say they made my heart burn But we all know some of that was fake It was a direct route From sleep walking To sleep shopping To this I guess I lived a

Moment to Moment

854854 views1010 comments33 favs

The memory fades so quickly, It makes me wonder if it ever really happened? Then I have to create something new from scratch to fill the space Yeah, there are patterns, and sudden movements that pass for recollections, but couldn't they as…

Lullaby for a Dragon Baby (for Josephina TuTu Waring)

958958 views77 comments33 favs

Lullaby for a dragon baby who breaks the bough with bottled fists escapes the armored cradle stealing swords from terra cotta men to slash the Ming canopy and loose the butterflies that will free Ho Chi Minh from the fire.

//i look beneath your skin:

10671067 views66 comments44 favs

x ≥ ponds rise beyond where you & i have stood

Self Help For Daydreamers

12871287 views88 comments33 favs

I think I’ll get a tattoo. Not just any tattoo, one I’ll regret. I’ll catch people peering at it, trying to interpret the twists and swirls of the black ink on my fair skin.

The Weirdo Melody Has a Meltdown of Its Own

10471047 views55 comments44 favs

They have their own homes to fill with bought and sold dreams. Their own babies to care for and feed. The world is big enough to have more layers than you can ever imagine. The lights will show you a way when you have turned too dark for your own…

Frail Flowers, Sitting Monks

975975 views77 comments44 favs

The world is slick as alabaster, taking the guesswork out of the rain. Junction Road moves like thick grease under the tires of my '89 Skyhawk. The old car's making a clicking noise somewhere underneath the high-beam switch and the damn…

From Your Lips To God's Hearing Aid

11001100 views55 comments33 favs

God’s hearing aid is missing And apparently needs an enormous battery But no one has the heart to tell Him because who wants to be shouting at God?


11971197 views1010 comments33 favs

Through the window, I see the police. Lots of them, trampling down the blackberry brambles. Something reeks.

The Paprika Ewer

16801680 views55 comments44 favs

Valeria never whistled. Nor did she approve of people who did. One thing she had learned in her sixty-seven years was that people who whistled were crass. Butchers whistled. So did peasants.

Doctor Eyepatch

11411141 views55 comments22 favs

That contraption he’d invited her to pedal, somebody oughta market one of those. The closer you got the harder it got, and her feet kept slipping off the pedals. It was maddening.

The Marriott Hotel, Downtown Brooklyn

14941494 views77 comments44 favs

There was a time when she could quell the loathing that Fred inspired in her. She could force it down. Back then, for instance, when they’d been in counseling, the ball of hatred had only been a little, overripe orange - squishy and occasionally mushed

Navigation and Perseverance

11401140 views44 comments44 favs

“Gladys Miller!” the dog shouted. “Live a little. TiVo it.”

Night Wreck

18141814 views44 comments44 favs

You were watching TV when it began. That much is obvious, since you have always watched TV on Thursday nights, and Thursday was when it began for everyone in Polisville. Around 11 PM, a train on its way to a Nevada landfill jumped the tracks. It's a secure landfill, and the…

Our Previous Lives - song

10451045 views66 comments33 favs

When I arrived in heaven Calling out your name Running just on vapor Leaving my old flames I thought I saw you singing Dripping from all sides Crying like a rainbow Reliving our old lives

Gifts for Bonnie & Charlie

840840 views55 comments22 favs

Jojo dolls & basketballs a mindflex & pick-up sticks Parcheesi and—no, not Parcheesi a supersoaker, a Care Bear

The Attraction

13221322 views55 comments44 favs

The first engine arrived and a fireman heavy with gear stumbled from the side railing.


852852 views55 comments33 favs

In the neon light and barroom shadows,

What is Retirement?

976976 views33 comments44 favs

But what “is” retirement? All of the previous sections in a life are full of detailed descriptions. But “retirement” is somehow left rather vague. One would think that retirement would be the long-awaited GOAL of life. But instead we are left with the

Avoid Anything With an Ism

726726 views55 comments33 favs

Communism Capitalism Gism or Gysm, either way Avoid anything with an Ism Catholicism Botulism Socialism Skepticism If its got an Ism in it Avoid it, okay? (Advice for our newborn daughter) Avoidalism is okay Though So you c