by Jerry Ratch
Glen always had to be the first to fuck his sister, especially before that big galoot from down the street, whom Cheryl really liked to fuck, otherwise Glen would get violent. She had just started having her periods then, I remember. We were all there one night when Glen got violent. Who can forget that? The big galoot had to take a big pillow and smother all the knives in her brother's hands. Glen was going to either slash himself or every one of us in the room. We were all waiting our turn to fuck his sister. And Cheryl had just finished fucking the big galoot. It was when she wanted to kiss him that set Glen off. That and all the moaning she'd been doing when underneath the big galoot, like she was actually enjoying it! Which I think she was.
She also liked kissing my buddy Bob, on the front porch when we were leaving. She seemed to want some show of warmth from him. Some kind of tenderness. As soon as she went back inside to her brother and the others, though, Bob would turn his face and spit in the bushes out in front of their house, which was more for my benefit than anything else. He just wanted to show me that he wasn't that into her, that he could have anybody he wanted to, if he put his mind to it. Well, she was fucking even her own brother, let's be honest.
Their house was right across the street from the schoolyard, where I myself had once very nearly fucked Cheryl under some stairs. But she somehow managed to wriggle free that time. The same as every time I tried getting on top of her on the living room couch, with all the other guys watching. I don't know, it was just too hard that way for some reason. I mean, when you're twelve, who wants a bunch of thirteen and fourteen year old losers watching every move of your ass, you know?
But that night with Glen and the knives was our last gang bang night, because when the big galoot ran at Glen with all his butcher knives, one of them flipped around and lacerated his forefinger and blood was spurting all over the place. They called an ambulance, and Bob and I lit out of there as fast as we could, and that was that. No more fucking anybody, as far as we knew. Because her parents found out what was happening apparently. And not even the big galoot, or even her brother, for that matter, was ever going to get any more of Cheryl's pussy. And I had to wait until the age of eighteen, for God's sake, to finally lose my virginity! And that was to a total and complete nymphomaniac at that. I mean, talk about losers!
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Those nymphos are fucked up.
Damn, where the hell was I when this was goin' on, for that matter?
It's probably no surprise that I really liked this.I like it that you had the courage to write it, right out loud!*
I like this a lot. Or rather I don't. Which makes me like it in a different way because I like writing that gets under your skin and nags at you and makes you uncomfortable.
Which this does.
It makes me feel cold in the pit of my stomach, the way bad things make you feel cold there.
It's been in the back of my mind all day and I've reread it a couple times, trying to understand, and I think, of all things, the coldness comes from the dehumanization of Cheryl.
Cheryl is an object to be used for sexual gratification, if they can pin her down, if she can't manage to wiggle free. Maybe she likes it (as the narrator asserts she does, with the galoot) or maybe she doesn't. But what Cheryl likes or doesn't like is irrelevant, because Cheryl's purpose in the story is to be used.
I like this story because it talks about Cheryl's subhuman status in a way that a story about sexual abuse and gang rape from a woman's perspective can't. A story about those things from the woman's perspective humanizes the victim which undermines one of the most salient facts about rape: the woman being raped is not a person to her rapists. She is an object.
I suspect Cheryl grows up to be the nympho.
I wish this story had more comments and discussion because I would like to know how other people read it and how it made them feel. I also realize that is unlikely to happen because people often shy away from stories that make them very uncomfortable.
yeah, well...