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If You Want To Work At Club Arseni

10251025 views55 comments55 favs

I hev my girls shave.

hide the dildos

15001500 views66 comments00 favs

her: what are you worried about? me: the dog sitter.

The Subsequent Ferocious Silence Is

11071107 views66 comments55 favs

just another torn & burning journeyflag for the rebel heart. All we know forsure is that dancing among the toads andcrickets takes a bit of courage. Beauty takesreal living guts these days. Laughing takes guts,too. Living takes love. Love is feeling. What'dyou think I…


943943 views77 comments33 favs

Spring show its populist face, Flies in the house, missionaries at the door...

Quasimodo Casanova

13611361 views55 comments55 favs

After shooing away the filthy pigeons and closely inspecting the bench, he squinted with his good eye at a second-page article on noise abatement headphones.


11581158 views55 comments55 favs

The first time Momma shows me a demon is during revival week at church.

A Fish Story

14921492 views66 comments55 favs

On their first meeting, when Hans rolled his wheelchair to her door she would be he first to say that her heart sank. But he was so beautiful and charming and funny and quirky that his disability was soon forgotten.


10201020 views55 comments55 favs

I'm not sure whetherI drink to numbthe pain or toactually feelsomething.


12001200 views1111 comments44 favs

He is leaning back against a pillar watching the dancing; a spectator to joy – both planned and spontaneous – that’s unfolding in bodies fourteen and fifteen years old in front of him.

Breaking Eggs

14791479 views77 comments44 favs

You want to read, you know where to click.

Say Uncle

13861386 views44 comments44 favs

People were just doing it. Doing it everywhere. On lawn chairs and stray patio cushions and watching. Watching every one do it.

Until there is nothing left but the smallest of hands

205205 views88 comments44 favs


The Road

11521152 views66 comments44 favs

My mother moved her things out of my parents’ bedroom into the attic guest room. When I asked where guests would sleep, my father said, “Matthew, don’t be an asshole.”

Style Shifts

10531053 views55 comments55 favs

Style Shifts “Oh, yes, my cousin. We were rude boys until the armed gangs started to gather. Used to be we could pass a night driving, playing our songs, acting tough. Yeah. We'd mouth off, flash some teeth, spark some anger when we felt like it. We…

Godot, Go Wait Yourself!

14451445 views99 comments33 favs

a bone-crusher handshake


917917 views55 comments55 favs

Seems I was in the wrong place, wrong time.

Cancer Always Calls Collect - Part 1

11961196 views1010 comments44 favs

Again, that was not the man I once knew. If they were taking Las Vegas odds; I should be the one dealing with this first. Why was it him and not me?

Mastery of All Thangs Including Sonatas and Piledrivers

11391139 views55 comments44 favs

My old buddy Snoop Dogg saunters into the room, and we go through a handshake routine that takes over ten minutes, ending with double-backflips and some brotherly penis swordplay.

The Story You Wanted

10951095 views55 comments55 favs

For I would draw a diagramTo signify the things I amBut I think you know--Todd Rundgren The door was opened before me. I know that's not a good way to start out on an adventure, but it is what happened to me. I didn't see any beckoning light, I felt a crazy urge, like…

Passing a Church

10361036 views33 comments55 favs

Does God feel the same way / whenever you practice your indifference toward me

The Pitch

330330 views66 comments44 favs

This is what I am saying now.


11021102 views77 comments44 favs

I wonder how many crumbs he can drop to make a cookie, whole, so I can relax a little and throw out the self help books about how I'm not right in the motherfucking head,

We're Still Here

751751 views44 comments55 favs

the beeps, rhythmic, tell us that you're still with us

Disposable Pleasures

906906 views44 comments44 favs

when I take the time/now to remember/ you have become/a thousand page/memory book

At a supermarket checkout looking through a window on May Day.

642642 views77 comments44 favs

So I missed the May Day parade again.

You Knew It

915915 views55 comments55 favs

was only a small enough matter of time before you started to show up as new words like soft pink clues dropped inside tiny fingernail teacups to find their innermost meaning, then wishes, floating up near the top like…

Big Dipper

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“You’re not in Saigon anymore, Mai Bi'ch,” I said, craning to read her name badge. “They’ll need to be much better than that if you want to stay in this country.”

The Anniversary

15371537 views55 comments44 favs

.... The sun tears through the windshield as if it were an six-foot wide magnifying glass and for a moment it feels to them both as if they are in a manipulated universe of fire and ice, storm and heaven, as it does when the skies crack and spread open a

Out of That Bed 1963

14361436 views22 comments33 favs

My father's hands were huge. His left knuckles gashed as a kid when he rode his bike too close to a moving train. When his fingers fisted around a glass, the scarred joints bulged from his grip like blind eyes.

world's a mess

835835 views66 comments33 favs

until i french kiss every atmosphere my mouth ready to explode like roman candles sparking my fingers sparking off the tips of my sparking fingers