A crash, a loud tear screams through the house. A coffee table continues its dutiful life as a bitch.
He grabbed the rock spitting a torn skirt whimper into existence as he threw it. He thought the rock had life in it. Like it pulsated, breathed, and cried for something.
The rock had formed a crater of bone in his knee, and had now cracked the coffee table. His knee was raw meat with ribbons flowing from it. A stench for a mother to loathe began to flirt with the room.
"My turn," he said raising himself up from the now red hardwood floor.
The man in the doorway laughed as his hands—veined and heartless in their own right—slowly went south.
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This is an excerpt from my chapbook 'Congratulations! There’s No last Place If Everyone Is Dead.'
Mel Bosworth read it as part of his video reading series on You Tube.
This story was discovered on my phone. Not really sure where the idea began or the path it took, but there it was. I'm sure it was written at work or on the bus.
Veddy interreddsssding.
"A coffee table continues its dutiful life as a bitch."
Gawd, man! The whole thing spins wonderful, but this sentence...I read it three times, one after another, the same way I sometimes rewind a good scene in a movie.
damn! Shel beat me to it. That line he quotes is one of my favorites I've seen in a long time. I could and hopefully will learn a lot from the audacity of that sentence.
And, of course, a great story.
Most excellent, Matt. The language, can't say enough good things about it. Super strong imagery.
Matt, Sheldon, David, Jarrid: thank you all for your time to take up some space in your eyes. Thank you so much for the kind words.
The first line was found on one note within my phone, while the rest was on another note. I felt it all worked as one piece so I glued and only glistened it a bit.
Seriously thank you.
Violent, but what violence. Knocks me down, Matt.
Really like this.
Tangible. Shoulder-shaking.
Ajay, I'm honored to have been involved in knocking you down. Wait, yeah that's right.
John, Thank you.
Cami, I like the word tangible. Thank you all for the words.