Most recent stories

Left to our own Dvices

371371 views44 comments22 favs

No one knew why DVices were so hard to find. No one knows for sure anyway.

Tangled Up in Glue

478478 views1313 comments88 favs

Shhhh, my husband is trying to write...

August and After Haiku

496496 views1212 comments66 favs

The brown grackle chirps/ as she chomps a plump cricket-/ melodious meal.


416416 views44 comments44 favs

I'm in a pediatric emergency roomThere are teenagers who don't want to liveAnd babies who won'tBecause viruses still spread and people won't learnThe election results are coming inAnd somehowFucking somehowUnderqualified, overly bigoted politicians still winUnder the banner…

Being Generic.

685685 views55 comments44 favs

"Why bother?" Her companion muttered something not dissimilar.

Automatically Writ between Meals

418418 views44 comments33 favs

The misspent effort reposed spontaneously, a prank worth ending with the dog letter: “GrrrrrrrR!”

Xmas Story

362362 views44 comments22 favs

The conspicuous police car was conspicuously just ahead.

The Pataphysical Tourist

382382 views33 comments22 favs

We all get in a carriage of tin and volcanic glass and go a-touring. We had quite an itinerary to fulfill, all of it loosely applied to the principle of serendipity. We toured Luxembourg and tossed pretzels to the bankers who did tricks for us, somersaults and complex…

No Wind

360360 views1010 comments55 favs

The candle was near the windowsill.It smelled like the musk my father used to spray before he went awayto work.Oh father, I remember you,your chocolate brown eyes,would watch the sunrisebefore breakfast;serious- so serious and waiting for something that…

Van Gogh’s Ear

413413 views66 comments66 favs

A drunken evening, both men soused and twitchy. An argument ensues with Yellow House roommate Paul Gauguin. The two dissing each other’s work like clicking beetles

The Morning

417417 views1313 comments55 favs

Dawn is spreading its pink and blue colours over the morning. Pleasant hues, with children playing and birds chattering. A light morning, without commitments, without waves, open to promises. Mornings don't speak our language and don't make the same gestures. They speak a…

the wrap

446446 views1313 comments77 favs

a whisper of wind

In the Woods II

373373 views44 comments22 favs

The neighbor was a little woman...

The Vote

587587 views88 comments44 favs

God had decided to resign. Not even two weeks notice. He just resigned. Point blank.

Cambridge Vignettes (from the 1960s)

439439 views11 comment11 fav

I wanted none of her. But also that day I had just finished The Story of 0., and my mind was full of sadistic whimsies and the mood of anythingness that the book instills: the pound of fleshness. Anyway, I sneered at her and told her she bored me, and sat

My First Winter in Massachusetts

675675 views1616 comments1010 favs

My first winter in Massachusetts feels medieval: cold, dark, and endless.

Imaginary Friend

591591 views55 comments55 favs

"Where've you been?" the image in the mirror asked. "I haven't seen you since yesterday," she said. "Yeah, I miss you too," he said.

A Little *PSYCHOTIC* —

519519 views00 comments00 favs

[um ... "howza 'bout another piece of, chocolate CAKE ... ?? #tammyBAKER #tammyBAKER #AYE #AYE ]

Хлебников via странников (+ two tombs from Mallarmé + one more)

611611 views77 comments33 favs

No harp now hails, / no wood sings mirth, no good hawk / swoops through the hall, no swift steed / paws dirt in the castle-yard. Woeful death / has emptied earth of an ancient race.

Last Night I Dated The Universe

523523 views55 comments66 favs

Last night I dated the universe. What a hottie! I arrived on time and was feeling a bit spacey. Look at me, I said. I'm on time. Yeah, well, I invented time. I made sure you'd be here on time. Cool. Where do you want to go? Doesn't matter. Wherever we go I'm already…


432432 views66 comments33 favs

The fire was so fierce,so fair like an opal;the most primal burn."Death haunts these trees,"the woman said, as she held the potof beetroot soup above the fire.They spoke from the basement; living in the dark space,nerves too locked up to to look out the windowand…

A Girl and Her Trees

520520 views1010 comments66 favs

The trees would answer with a creak and a crackle. Fall was near, a rotten apple.

Finger Weaving a Voyageur Sash

585585 views55 comments55 favs

. . .and still wild roses star far fields the same.

The Caracol, a snapshot

468468 views1212 comments66 favs

waves assaulted black volcanic rock in briny harmony

Night Letters from the Underground

554554 views99 comments77 favs

As ghosts, they became lovers. Rodion would strum the Underwood keys like a balalaika. Lizaveta would sing.


600600 views1515 comments1111 favs

When the compost thaws the past oozes out into the present....

I'll Show You God

699699 views33 comments44 favs

...the room was filled with a brightness and a breeze, making you think you were up in the clouds.

The Tale of a Fat Ugly Crow on a May Afternoon

701701 views88 comments77 favs

a fat crow rapturously caws over its good fortune... not a morsel left on the street, not even a bloodstain

Nervous-WRECK *VEEK*

858858 views22 comments11 fav

[Scumbag scumbag ― fuck you!!! Stop reading this it's my private JOURNAL!!! Thanks. ;) ]

A Borrowed Barrow

664664 views44 comments44 favs

It was a battered, creaky, rickety old thing, this wheelbarrow. It had two wooden handles with cracks running through the wood, a fat rubber wheel and a deep tray encrusted with the mud and plaster and grout that it had transported through decades of heavy use. Based on…