1585 3 1
The Happy Bunny Family had a secret: They weren't very happy.Everyone in town knew it, but of course no one said anything. Mr. Happy Bunny would stroll through the center of town on his way to work and people would smile and nod and wish him a good day and he would return…
928 1 1
The ride home after Basketball and a little beer; That's when the best poems happen. Poems pin-prick sharp Puncturing through dulled Senses while streetlamps pass Overhead. They find their way inside you But they don't stick. Poems left back somewhere On the…
1972 27 21
Madame Fauve, / with a twisted braid, is dancing.
1447 6 3
She breezes through the door, cellphone to ear, with the confidence of the affluent. Can you look at my left rear tire, the dashboard indicator says it's low. Back to her phone, Oh, Marsha, hi, how are you, you gorgeous WOMAN, you!? Hey, I'm on my way to…
1171 12 4
I was more annoyed at the scream, the icy air around us and our eventual destination–his parents, the club, small talk, all that drunken insignia.
2166 6 5
Together, we were smooth, shining and oiled. I used to wear a crocheted bikini around the house and I felt like such a dirty girl, dirty but delicious
848 0 0
"I don't hear anything..." whispered Hannah. We had just reached the hatch at the top of the maintenance chute.
"Open it quietly, take a look around and if it's clear we climb out as silently as possible, OK go." Responded Pedro. His caution betraying h
1306 2 2
When the sky was thinner and water faster, we would chase the falling stars.
1362 0 0
There are three ways I can love you, not even half of one more.
1142 0 0
And there sat one man. Searching for words and solace. The silence returned and the colors peeled off from the walls. Darkness returned with fledgling light. He threw back his head and filled the emptiness with his laugh. He laughed in mirth and in misery
1119 7 2
The bus was almost empty, just me and an Asian girl who'd cleaned up some since I'd seen her. She was wearing a too-big T-shirt that said Freakuccino and writing in a notebook. If she remembered me she didn't say so I didn't either. Everybody sheds some…
1117 1 1
As soon as those planes hit the buildings on September 11, it was pretty much all systems go for Cheney's long-planned Iraqi invasion. But first he had to shitcan an aide who showed him in detail how Iraq would eventually…
1219 2 2
He does not read what he’s giving them permission to do to him, just signs the release.
957 0 0
Their laughter is of a tiny world that knows nothing of taxes or lost loves, or news reports of flag-draped coffins filled with limbs.
1853 3 1
"I would physically — not metaphorically, mind you — make love to that avocado..."
1566 0 0
Calmly I rang the bell for Mrs. Madison and sank with some relief onto the ottoman. In a crisis, a calm head and decisive action are called for. The housekeeper would surely know what to do.
1493 2 0
A universe, all of it, was encased in glass.
1310 0 0
They screened the thousands of mosquitoes that hatched, and found a few carrying the botox transgene. In a few months time, several billion mosquitoes had been bred, ready for release. Now to wait for that diplomatic flashpoint, when war could be declared
1327 2 0
According to the weatherman's morning forecast it was supposed to be a dark and stormy night. Unfortunately for Doctor Von Übel the weather had other things in mind...
1351 1 0
“What I really want to know is, why is a straight guy called Caspar opening a lesbian leather bar in Berlin anyway?” Shona asked. “Schöneberg must really be going to the dogs.”
983 0 0
Realization of one's ongoing decline. Not a bad thing.
607 0 0
Everyday I take the Western 49 bus
1290 2 1
We got Bob Dylan on the wall
wriggling from the lack of music
and light among the spheres
A great doubt has been raised
and can be seen from far, far away
for they are even afraid now in heaven
that things can’t be going right
and to
1296 0 0
She wanted to have an eating disorder, but she liked food too much to stop eating it and hated the taste of vomit mixed with tooth paste.
1151 3 0
Roanne, just out of jail, went to cop. That is, she went to beg fat little Freddy the dopeman to front her once more. She'd have to fuck Freddy, of course, but, well, maybe he'd wait until after this time. Likely not…
1734 3 2
We are the generation who tattoo our stories on our bodies, who pierce what appears impenetrable; we fly our scars like pennants.
102 2 0
Ode to the Monterey PeninsulaWe love…to stand on Lovers Point in the early morning watching when the waves break how water droplets rise to form fleeting rainbows.to walk by Hawk Tower in the early evening imagining Robinson Jeffers…
906 2 0
1104 0 0
The women in the clinic called her misis luluai – it means white woman chief, it was a compliment.
She always wore crazy outfits. High heels and pantyhose. And tight, tight skirts. My wife never trusted her because of that
1181 13 8
He bought damaged and used sex dolls online.