You have reached 456-7222. If this is an emergency, hang up
and dial 911. If this is trouble, please call someone else. You
cannot count on me; I am not here for you. The news I have is
good: you have a place to live; you have been befriended by
someone steady. I'm holding onto that. If this is not you, leave
a message. I am standing by the phone, praying, an alarm going
off in my chest. If it isn't your voice, I'll answer. Whoever it is
that isn't you, be prepared for the gust of relief when I say Hello.
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107 words
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This is an excerpt from Night Navigation, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. I've always felt like in only 102 words, it reveals a whole world.
Fabulous, Ginnah!!! I've been reading other excerpts on your fictionaut page. Fav.
Superb tension between internal forces. Loved this.