Most recent stories

Hotel Venice and the Bohemian Blue

486486 views44 comments33 favs

“Time to check out,” I say looking at sailboats and surfers gliding on the blue Pacific from the open window of my hotel room in Venice Beach. I inhale minty incense and gaze down at a dark-skinned woman in a sombrero seated behind a cloth-covered fold

Meanwhile It Was Nuclear War

486486 views55 comments44 favs

“Whup!” he said, as a lorry pulled up in front. ¶ “Here’s your lorry.”


387387 views77 comments44 favs

-- Adultery I took her out to a drive-in movie and we had sex in the back seat of my car. Then went into the concession stand to get something sweet after so much sex, and everyone was in there doing the same thing, you could tell by…

The Optimism Of Despair

448448 views99 comments88 favs

He felt sick at heart, as if he'd just been told he'd been fired from a job to which he'd devoted 60 years of his professional life. And for no good reason; the profession no longer existed. It had slipped into obsolescence, like blacksmithing at the beginning of the…


401401 views1313 comments1010 favs

The man who makes the noose

Professor _________

436436 views55 comments33 favs

"First we’ll get a good workout at the discotheque where my lady friend works. Don’t worry, she’s already arranged for a friend of hers to attend so you won’t have to suffer the indignity of being a third wheel."

R.I.P. Ann Bogle

488488 views1717 comments1010 favs

It is with great sadness I announce the passing of Ann Bogle on February 28, 2023 after a brief illness. Ann was longtime contributor and editor of these pages and a champion of small press and emerging writers.I knew Ann since the late 1970's when she was an undergraduate…

Left On The Scrap Heap

382382 views44 comments33 favs

Daylight and cold sensed as an abstract, a number in my mind. Air thin, polluted, lacking oxygen. But the Recyclers are at it again.

One Of These Dreams ...

395395 views99 comments66 favs

Imagine a morning without dawn, without daylight ... The night birds still hoot, the flowers wait for the light to change their make-up, black birds have locked their beaks. A morning unlike any other ... The moon above continues to reign over the milky way, the stars to…

Some Things Can't Be Fixed

396396 views88 comments77 favs

Orchids strewn over the floor...

Lips Like Oysters

452452 views1313 comments1010 favs

By the end of my Saturday night shift at the Oyster Bar I look like some kind of filthy nurse


271271 views44 comments22 favs

Federico Garcia Lopez donde carajo have you been?I had forgotten about our long talks late at night when only the sound of the cicadas accompanied us.In our silence we searched for metaphors.Mi madre se murio since you last visited.I took the buttons of all the…

Ice Cutter

424424 views66 comments33 favs

McMurdo Sound. Amundsen. Penguins huddled in a mass...

Green Torino

238238 views66 comments44 favs

John you are a green Torinocruising past the long stretch of roadpast the field of my back yard.The black dog barks as it races'round the corner of the Good Shepherd Church.A police car waits for some shit to go down.Waiting for something, anything to go downbut it never…

Fungi light/ Fungi Language

554554 views77 comments55 favs

I'm sitting in the dark of my own kitchen, because it is dark outside, not from night but from clouds. I guess that's where I'll start talking from. This isn't about you. I'm not sure it's even about me. It's probably about the…

George Santos' Dream

473473 views33 comments33 favs

he dreams of limp victims stepping out of the waves/ water draining from skin and hair

Possible Wildlife (redux)

532532 views55 comments44 favs

This caused a problem when some raccoons, skunks and a fox were found lingering on and around the premises (separately, of course).

Bad Clean Fun

501501 views88 comments44 favs

It was cold and clammy, but then it got worse. Far worse. Any opportunity to celebrate the unity and harmony of tolerance was soon cancelled.


288288 views55 comments44 favs

When I stopped drinking,the desire to write poems was gone.Remember this to be true.The black dog still waits in the distancenot far from the fence.I watch it and open the sliding windowsto let the winter air run amuck through my kitchen doorengulfing me with…

Speculation on the Quantum Mechanism of Death

644644 views66 comments55 favs

With whatever else physicists may learn . . . perhaps they will begin to see that the connections between the physical world and non-physical domains of existence have an explanatory power which has only barely been considered.

Sounds Came & Went

522522 views55 comments55 favs

"...regurgitating double A's all akimbo."

They Didn't Love Their Daughter.

598598 views22 comments11 fav

“But he's going to the University of Chicago!” “I know.” …


411411 views33 comments22 favs

Legitimacy is vorbei.

Tinnitus Story

508508 views55 comments55 favs

I went to see an audiologist this afternoon. He specialized in tinnitus. Good news for me. I've been plagued with tinnitus for 55 years. It started the morning after a catastrophic experience with LSD. It was there when I awoke in a padded room in a hospital in San José,…

In the Sun

458458 views1010 comments55 favs

The light was bright andthey sat on the railing of the long wooden bridge in the sun. She looked up at her father."Oh Daddy, where did you go?" she asked.He was young with black shinny hair blowing in the wind. "To Heaven, little girl,"She shook her head."What's…

Sisyphus takes the day off

451451 views77 comments77 favs

what-ta-hell, fuck this/he snorts brushing/ the dust from his shoulders

Words of Departure

401401 views33 comments22 favs

Not a fuss, not a stink, The eulogy, deep, will make one think, Grandmother, sat in back, will wink

The lyre bird

443443 views1111 comments55 favs

When silence makes his way next to me on the narrow path, I let his arm brush mine, and I stop singing with the birds. So, in the vast forest filled with songs and rustling, silence and I follow our path to the edge. Two tranquil strollers, meditating on the ancient voices…


338338 views66 comments33 favs

night sounds

the night envelops me

465465 views55 comments33 favs

and light bleeds into the darkness