2523 23 16
Boxing Gloves for when...
34243 23 26
It's one of those raw, wrung out Yonge Street Saturday mornings. The smog-gray sky is just congealing into blue over the buildings and concrete.
875 2 0
Almonds of childhood – fending off needless tears and chocolate impulses, almonds of my teens, slivered and toasted industrially baked settling in on egg washed croissant…mashed into the kitchen sink of the catch-all bear claw, then the taste and shiv
830 6 0
As unlikely as it may seem, John Coltrane was in fact a member of the U.S. Navy Band in 1947 in Honolulu.
1685 0 0
"I can't believe my 'best friend' and my 'girlfriend' would actually start dating if I authorized and coordinated repeated threesomes for us!" Robert Eww was saying, holding aloft a dagger and book, with an olive wreath around his head.
595 0 0
You thought you dated wild girls? They were tame compared to how I turned out. Ever hear of the Chicago motorcycle club called the Hell's ___? (Chicago's watered down version of the Hell's Angels, but we did party with some of them, and the Outlaws, onc
1704 8 7
His mouth is a flesh cave where a grizzly slumbers and winter is the blank page of my face.
1160 1 1
Surrounded by a stressfull sense of trying to understand the human condition. The flawed characters in the story speak of past violence and conflict. It is about a boy who is dealing with a recent suicide attempt on his own life & the regrets that come wi
1149 16 4
He ran his forefinger round the rim of the lid then sucked at his fingertip. The texture's like chalk, he thought, it tastes of earth. He hadn't anticipated this — but dipped his finger in again and swallowed. It was like scraping his tongue against a blackboard on…
1139 5 1
It’s as she reaches into the fridge for the carton of half-and-half with the grainy waxy photo of the little girl—Last Seen 10/2/06—that the memory surfaces:
“Hey. That’s mine.”
916 1 0
770 5 1
I sit in a small office amongst a huge pile of letters picking out individuals and arranging them on a big square made of something like paraffin
654 0 0
I remember one of my old high school intellectual friends introduced me to what he called a real wild blond girl named Sally or Marnie or something that summer of 1964. She was tall and blond and thin and looked like a model. Boys were usually afraid to
2039 3 1
Got a home repair question? Ask Mr. Fix-It! He usually knows the answer, and if not, your problem isn’t worth fixing.
1630 14 11
She'd liked the name of the tanker. The Amoco Cadiz.
951 2 0
I barely scraped the sleep out of my eyes when I heard the shrill crying from outside the kitchen window, and I recalled one of the many reasons cats can't be trusted. You see, they're evolutionarily wired to imitate the sound of a crying human baby, so when they…
733 0 0
I remember we were just out riding around and drinking this one night (Andy, me, Shel, probably you and another girl) when I purposely drove up on someone’s big expensive front lawn, then back down into the street, and just kept driving without saying a
1479 22 7
Men have a way of doing that, Lord, why? I always thought retirement means you get to sleep longer. Nope He must arise early, make breakfast, after 40 years of eating mine. Next, he insists on coming with me to the market. When I try to…
1376 8 6
no one else comes in my back door but you
1305 15 3
1658 3 1
There, at that cabin, she had first tasted the back of a hand in anger, the sting of a horsewhip, bone-deep fear and, finally, an unthinkable act of self defense.
1190 0 0
Human, you said,
Comfort me, at this the end,
Life so long, and smiles so short,
What will lie beyond the bend?
1284 4 1
fated and cruel, a person I don't love
648 2 0
It is a strange world, dawn.
You may find yourself alone
with your God, the old, and the
young. Very likely a bird.
An old one out hobbling past on a cane,
a small dog trotting from bush to bush,
sniffing a pile of leaves,
jumping back, st
1258 2 1
How could you run from me now?
The loneliest child in the house
1090 12 5
They talk but they don’t really / talk
1336 15 5
"when I say bag, what I mean to say is…"
1263 5 3
Most times a vertical word balloon floats before him.
1019 0 0
This had the unintentional effect of me picturing her in a tight white top and tiny orange shorts. From up close like this, I had clearly misjudged her earlier. She could definitely be more than the quirky best friend in my movie.
1007 1 0
I think of particles exploding, coming back together like some physics experiment I don’t know the name for. “Large Hadron Collider,” you say. But that’s not what I mean.