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10501050 views22 comments22 favs

Smoke from the oil lamp traced the wall. It gave Nana something to read.

The "Just Do It" Moon

12231223 views1212 comments77 favs

The calls come in a few times a week. When the unknown someone calls Safety Now, Radon Testing and Elimination Headquarters, Mrs. R. wonders who it is that just sits silently on the other end of the line. She wants to say, "Look, if you're a bill colle

It Was the Heart of the Sixties

782782 views55 comments11 fav

I remember Freddie K bringing these fat Thai joints back with him from Viet Nam, and just one of those things would get us all so stoned at parties in Jolene’s upstairs apartment that we felt as if we could float down the long flight of stairs like we w

In the League of Extraordinary Matrix Hulks

11721172 views55 comments22 favs

I got a chance to study story structure, character development, and writing of dialogue in an intense boot camp laced with orange jello and intravenous drugs.

Ante Meridiem

16731673 views2828 comments1212 favs

Still dipped in night...

What's Done, What's Left to Do

925925 views22 comments00 favs

When she was just a little bit younger, Dana wanted to be known around town as something other than the girl who used up all the machines at the laundromat with her little brothers' Spiderman underwear and her grandpa's pants soiled with God-knows-what. Something…

Dear A. Lien (Letter Two)

10941094 views55 comments22 favs

You’ve got Wikipedia. Look them up: vagina and penis. What Wikipedia will not tell you, however, is the thousands of years of human anguish, and rapture, wrapped up in those two organs.

Fill In the Void

758758 views55 comments22 favs

I’m not in the habit of just hanging out on the corner handing out “free stuff,” you know. I figured it was going to cost you. But I was wrong. It cost me instead. You can only float near the ceiling when you’ve become an emptied vessel. No hope or

Off the Wall

884884 views1010 comments33 favs

[...] in the living room above the fire, someone had gouged a letter A on the wall.

Points of Light on A Pearl Line 1

12671267 views11 comment11 fav

Directions: Match the stanza to the Beat icon: A. William S. Burroughs B. Peter Orlovsky C. Jack Kerouac D. Carl Solomon E. Allen Ginsberg F. Neal Cassidy

Knot Eye

18971897 views2525 comments2020 favs

The diagnosis was peculiar, the doctors agreed, / but so was the condition

The Strangest Touch is Skin on Skin

503503 views22 comments00 favs

Whitman touched his share of skin and didn’t think of it as sin, and yet could bring himself to say “What is more or less than a touch?”

Sweet Tooth

10431043 views33 comments11 fav

There was a hole in my tooth. It wouldn't let anything go.

Playing Dead - a poem

12081208 views77 comments00 favs

A foolish rich man liked to pretend he had died To see who in the audience would be dry-eyed

Dear A. Lien

924924 views22 comments00 favs

Time is a form of sandwich. Each component of the sandwich is nestled between night and day, which enclose it like slices of bread. There are minutes, hours, and seconds. Seconds are tiny, like sesame seeds. Minutes are a little larger. Think of them as p

You Were a Hard Act To Follow

647647 views00 comments00 favs

This wasn’t my first time, ever, but it was ours. This wasn’t the life of a pigeon after sex, you know, sucking some soda pop off the pavement. This was real. This was me up there on your ceiling! And I’m not so fond of lightning either. If you thou

Darkroom Tech

11501150 views88 comments22 favs

Entering that darkroom is like slipping through the barrel of a rifle.


912912 views1313 comments1010 favs

I realize that to say, "I do not believe in God" is footsteps away from "I do not rely on God" and "God left me."

A Lapse in Concentration

922922 views55 comments22 favs

[...] A crimson post-it note/ illustrates the squiggle of a resting pulse wavering/ near the broken pencil leads and whorls of/soft wood which may be classed as evidence.

Heavy Weather

875875 views22 comments11 fav

The blue of the sky pierced her heart. She patted her lips with her tongue and turned to him. “We have to talk.”

Why Don't You Just Take Off Your Top

760760 views00 comments00 favs

You were there at the beginning almost, when I wanted to write about the dead spider I smashed on my bedroom wall, comparing it to the blue/grey smoke of the blown-off fireworks drifting overhead.


880880 views22 comments11 fav

My mind fabricated the smell of gunpowder as I pushed down.


963963 views11 comment11 fav

No chance for Hallo, we sank into an unlit station doorway and he fumbled through my shorts.


13771377 views88 comments55 favs

—That was harsh, said Jen as the bathroom door slammed behind Melanie. —Mel's my best friend, not yours. She needed to know that shade of blue doesn't go with olive skin. —Viv, you said she looked like a whore. —That's how our friendship…

The Lobbyist

10381038 views66 comments33 favs

I looked down at Earth and imagined this porn star who’d asked for my help.

Maybe I Was Better At Shaving My Legs Than I Was At Spreading My Wings

744744 views66 comments22 favs

That new rain smell in your backyard, specifically I remember that, with you. And lying in the grass in a park with you on the 4th of July, maybe in Lombard, watching the blue/grey smoke of the fireworks drifting overhead after they went off, and the sm

The Strange Ones

10731073 views1111 comments88 favs

In the morning, I lay on my side and ran a finger down the girl’s back, lightly tracing her spine. I remarked on the whiteness of her skin.

Love apathy

11071107 views55 comments44 favs

I smell it, it smells/Of giggles and leg shaking

Particle (7)

777777 views22 comments11 fav

By the time he says “I am tired of the smell of pig shit and death” you’ve already lost interest

After He Stays

10401040 views66 comments11 fav

When the sex that is new and promising in its awkward moments is over, you turn to him. You expect that he’s figuring out a way to leave; the parts of you that know wait for him to stand up and put his clothes back on, quicker and with more eagerness than