Khaver Siddiqi

Location Karachi, Pakistan
Occupation Writer. Listener. Reader.
IM (GTalk)

About Me

I'm from Karachi, Pakistan and I work in advertising. Besides that I'm a contributing writer for several local publications (covering cultural and entertainment stuff). Besides that I'm a big geek and love all things geek; from comicbooks, to anime, to cartoons, to sci-fi, to fantasy, to obscure and random facts of life.

Why do you write?

People. Events. Moments. Sometimes it could be something as random as a snippet of conversation I'll overhear on the lift. As a writer, I write because I love storytelling. Much like how people who love to knit, I love to weave a tale filled with characters, emotion, conflict and events.

Any favorite authors? Books?

Arthur C Clarke. Kurt Vonnegut. Tracy Hickman and Margret Weis. Marv Wolfman. Jack Kirby. Stan Lee. Mark Millar. Grant Morrison. J R R Tolkien. Stephen King.

Khaver Siddiqi's Wall

Matt DeVirgiliis – Oct 12, 2010

It says no one has written on your wall, so I'll be the first. Welcome to FN and I look forward to reading your work.


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