It must have been twenty years before I first heard Willie Nelson’s voice without the accompaniment of my mother’s crying. She liked to listen to country music on the radio while she cleaned dishes, ironed shirts, watered plants, and whatever else the hou
She looked up, blinked. Fuck are you? I shook my head. Nobody you’ll remember, I said.
Silent defenders
of penumbra one
I still see you lying on the tracks
His shirts he hangs on the back of the chair, one on top the other so they won't wrinkle.
Try and put my bones back in
"a ratty, red, medium-sized bicycle for sale in a ratty, medium-sized yard."
You gave me chills on my opposite hip whenever you touched me from behind, when we spooned under the rough woolen blanket in your basement. Whenever your essence touched my life like that. Just like when you said, “You came, that’s all.”
That’s all? T
Who You Pretended To Be I only appeared to belong to my mother --Jane Kenyon I almost died when Ulysses sailed leaving behind the dowager queen complaining of processed sugar as Grandfather's limousine tooled to Saks to browse brassieres…
I’m not ready for football. I’m not ready for it, but I live in a southern town that worships at its altar more devoutly than those suicidal beauties in James Wright’s great poem.
#whateverhappenedto #beforesex #whateverhappenedto #duringsex #whateverhappenedto #aftersex #nevertrust[written in August 2009]
"...they ran shirtless like pagans under southern stars."
You took me to this great salad bar once, down in Chicago, on a special date. It must have been for my birthday (how old was I!) I remember that salad bar. It was the only salad bar I’ve ever seen that had caviar. I loved that black caviar. They put it up
Two people are talking. They are both wearing hats.
leaves, starlings and other words fall into thickets of orange or green grasses or tendrils or snakes
one will become a tobacco king;
another will steal copper plumbing on moonlessnights.
Man waters Earth with his eyes.
Edmund read ultra-fast:
“.Ass - ;fuc gav fas no I will fu fuc fu her he wen fa, ha! Ha!
The night was black as burned flesh.
Creatures of the dark don’t follow daylight savings
“It is not your shoes the Americans complained about!” Roberto yelled, sitting behind his desk, cigar smoke curling around his purple face. “It is your UNDERWEAR!”
“Phennias Jessup is his name. That’s his death’s head scroll, an hourglass, bats, spirals and angel’s wings on either side of the top part of the stone. "
Eugene O'Neill is remembered as a troubled, brooding artist, but he had grown up in the theatre and was a hustler for the business of himself as well.
...when she spoke, her voice still seemed to spill bourbon from a heavy crystal tumbler, and drift cigarette smoke in a dark paneled room.
Their specialty is the roasted Australian hare, long ears intact, arranged on a bed of sassafras.
The U.S. Supreme Court today heard arguments on a legal issue that tears the nation apart every October: Does the Constitution protect the right of male fans to watch the fall classic even if they have no rooting interest in either team involved?
B is now on all fours, running his hands through the hair of the other. What he whispers is repeating.
Call it what you may but misfortune, bad luck, disaster, adversity and trials of different calibers can hit us at any time.We are human. We experience the ups and downs of life everyday. Out of a job, lack of money, health insurance and other luxuries that some people…
I saw Sharon one more time, in the summer of 1969, when man first set foot on the moon. I met her at that nightclub over on Hwy. 83, near North Avenue in Elmhurst where everyone still hung out from high school. She came back to the basement at my parent