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Eating Grief at Bickford’s

18331833 views77 comments66 favs

Eating Grief at Bickford's · From Allen Ginsberg's “Kaddish” There are no places anymore Where I can sit at a threadbare table Pick at the crumbs on my plate And wipe The white dust From my pitch …


975975 views11 comment00 favs

skin is soft and too easily sliced away

Old Age

11521152 views1212 comments88 favs

Are they too old for life's little pleasures? The answer comes as I pass them on the canyon road one morning.

In Which Mad Dog Kicks French Women's Bony Butts

10701070 views11 comment00 favs

If Mad Dog were interrogated by female U.S. forces in a combat-riven no-woman’s-land to see if he was really an American, he couldn’t name the most recent WNBA champion.


10671067 views33 comments22 favs

There's still a swatch of jelly on his lower lip. Did you notice? That's not the way it's done, even on the tractor.

With a Danish

14111411 views44 comments22 favs

It wasn't hidden, exactly, but kept in a place where she wouldn't be expected to look: a photograph of Roger, naked and supine, looking at the camera without surprise.

Leaving Home

10851085 views11 comment00 favs

it is heavier than it looks with edges smoothed by the passage of time

Mr. Feisty Mischievous

11351135 views11 comment00 favs

His nervous cackle makes me sick - Oh, if only - Times were different - That knife - Would fit so nicely in his back

All the gaping mouths without a voice

13351335 views99 comments55 favs

"Mammy, why do they throw sand in our eyes?" a girl could be heard screaming from the 30-foot-deep ravine, Babi Yar.

The Tree is Farther to the Man

15211521 views1313 comments1111 favs

I am constricted by rings. The weight of self crushes me.

Death Along the Jersey Rails

11021102 views44 comments00 favs

like old discarded snake skin, dry and coarse after the bite... immortally tortured by broken glass bottles.


16111611 views1111 comments77 favs

Your specific request that I never submit to you again; ever, is cause for puzzlement, yet strangely motivating.

Wedded Bliss

17641764 views11 comment11 fav

Alaina paced around in the green room. She couldn't believe she had agreed to do this. Her friends had told her it would be an excellent idea. How can agreeing to marry a total stranger on national television a decent idea, let alone an excellent one? "Oh Lain, it'll be…

running naked through your dreams

893893 views22 comments11 fav

How can you stop a man from running naked through your dreams? I want to know. This ought to be taught, somewhere. In schools, or somewhere. I could never stop you from doing what you wanted with me, and didn’t want to either. You had complete leave of

Boy Toy

14251425 views1616 comments99 favs

Sometimes you can't sleep.


15411541 views1515 comments99 favs

Outside I see the daytime moon, and it is faint as a fingerprint. My cousins have up-turned the biggest rocks and removed all the Sow bugs. The land is damp and red, and the trees feel wet to the center.

What We Had To Do

17761776 views33 comments22 favs

The dismantled moon was not cold in our hands, but warm, smooth beneath its shell as baby flesh. The musk of its damp, stringy innards filled us with sorrow.

Love, a comet, omens and wings

12991299 views33 comments33 favs

My love for him like wax wings/ so long they stretched eternal— beating in the sky, grazing peaks,


16001600 views33 comments44 favs

My tongue is clicking. I want to act out. I want an unprofessional bargain.

the dreamer of eggs

988988 views22 comments11 fav

How much sucking, faithlessly, can there be? The body being a night thing off which steam rises, that attracts like a magnet or loadstone, whose curls attract, whose ringlets or tufts of touched hair between the legs glory up the nightly watched miracle,

Coming Home

10621062 views22 comments00 favs

How many years has he dreamed he would be home again?


15801580 views88 comments66 favs

Train travel is listed as a possible cause for deep vein thrombosis, a condition that causes blood to clot in the legs. Ray did not tell me this, but I looked it up later, remembered the disability status on his Charlie Card.Baclofen is not used for the treatment of…

Opening Your Fiery Eyes

11911191 views1010 comments55 favs

as I imagine only you canyou're the ocean on fire before anyone else hasbroken that ancient seal, or simply taken the first icy plunge.You can eatall the bitterfruit there is, but that stilldoesn't make theworld a more hatefulplace. Only people…

11:11AM Eastern Standard Time:

17011701 views44 comments11 fav

"Make a wish," she whispered.

Karmic Tide

13581358 views1010 comments44 favs

Digging in another garden, jumping into another space and time, I impaled a toad on the tines of a garden fork. At first I thought the toad was a clump of clay, stuck to the thick tine, but before I could kick the clay off with my…

The Men on the Moon

590590 views11 comment00 favs

It was a gesture on their part, an act with meaning; they didn’t care about country or science; their love was their art, their art was their love.

Ornamental Onion

16611661 views77 comments33 favs

i imagined myself & i was phlox saxifrage pompom ranunculus poppy anemone ornamental onion rattlesnake red ribbon nerine & i loved the painted tongue & i wore the rattlesnake

Madi's Love

14461446 views88 comments22 favs

The depth of her love for Briana could only be heard on the 80’s ballads station fumbling from the stereo in Madi’s car, awkward, just like her smile.

The Edge of the World

12271227 views22 comments11 fav

I am far from home, wherever that is.

Park Bench

13081308 views77 comments44 favs

Then daylight's lovely lantern/ Dressed in yellow white/ cleanness/ Danced a ballet towards/ Her majesty’s park bench/ She did! She sat on you!