Most recent stories


668668 views88 comments22 favs

With furrowed brow, he took the plastic stems and began to beat the blossom ends against the black brick wall.

justice in obverse and reverse

706706 views55 comments44 favs

seriously: let defendants choose their coin, / execute their own calls, make their own coin flips― / attentive referee, no need for a court.

another distance

745745 views44 comments44 favs

only after you slipped away entirely


707707 views88 comments77 favs

First the room is blank white and then she is placed there and one by one everything is penciled in. Her, in a loose and flowery dress that conceals her feet; a black and white cat, who wraps her tail around her legs and looks up, head moving trying to interpret;…


911911 views1313 comments88 favs

inside i know my heart rattles cause outside i'm only seeing that the truth is in tatters

At a supermarket checkout looking through a window on May Day.

641641 views77 comments44 favs

So I missed the May Day parade again.

in caring

660660 views22 comments22 favs

familiar people passing closely faces we recognize but cannot place

A Tender Button

436436 views33 comments22 favs

He looked at a man in a straw hat on YouTube and thought “that could've been me, if I'd learned to play the guitar.” He savored the wistfulness of the moment. The pluperfect always made him sad. But the conditional was almost too much to bear. Octopi were a…

Arcana Magi Bolt

682682 views00 comments00 favs

Sofia looked around and found herself at a boulevard. She could see the town exit ahead of her. The bike still lied on the ground.

A Tinder Ghost

707707 views11 comment22 favs

Do you know if you were actually speaking to me there?

A Journey (on Foot) Through Hostile Lands

763763 views55 comments44 favs

Love comes and goes as it pleases. Plant lives matter you know. Isn't it so obvious? I'm sure you've noticed or felt like you've been here before. Maybe forever. Just ask any hand-held camera or open book. Well. How many times can we…

More from The Chronicles of His Demise

783783 views1515 comments99 favs

Dread and drudgery sour each day

pop music till yer brains bulge blue!

659659 views77 comments44 favs

every color of sound turned to green / human beasts’ treadmill tastes must be trained: / we may yet starve to death, but we’ll die de-brained!

A Burst of Color

669669 views55 comments33 favs

There’s a sudden Burst of color Like the dispersal of a ghost In a light wind And now candy wrappers are Scattered all over the heavens It looks like God got lit up By the sky As we flew too c

You Should Know

668668 views33 comments33 favs

Do you know how much it takes to holdthe spring you love against your lips? No angel, or I, will ever begrudge, nor the planets that have to slow their pace and stumble their orbits a degree behind to make the magic that keeps our grip. We could have been elephants…


689689 views44 comments44 favs

It's 50/50 that you'll ever pad your knee enough to ever kneel on it. Your back hurts, the Orthapedist labels it arthritis. I think that means we're getting old, so I crawl up the tower of your body as I'm a little younger, more sprightly. You're a

Surge Of Green

790790 views55 comments55 favs

Already past the harbinger of yellow crocus


871871 views1010 comments66 favs

a girl in a red cap flashes by

deja not

791791 views1515 comments88 favs

I haven't felt my soul leave my body


743743 views55 comments55 favs

As a boy Edward had stayed in the confessional several times in a row. The priest was drunk and couldn't tell it was the same kid over and over. The tiny door slid open…”Scobbity bobbity…tell me your sins…” Edward confessed what he thought were sins, then said…

The Roses of Gettysburg

736736 views1010 comments66 favs

Mothers and sons and war, an old story...

The Generosity of Perishable Objects

758758 views33 comments33 favs

"As soon as you're born, they make you feel small."--John LennonI cannot do anything about how beautiful you are, my sour flower, but I can tell you this much: Joni Mitchell is better than all the cowards in the world. They all chose to somehow…


647647 views11 comment11 fav

a poem that unwrapped itself so casually I tucked it under my tongue, just to make sure


808808 views1212 comments22 favs

The squirrels love the sun

the curtained claws of shade

594594 views33 comments22 favs

with so many thick curtains hung out to shroud/ so many unlit eyes, Night you’d think could spare/ a small few for our diversion . . .

Frankly, I'm Not Doing Well

615615 views11 comment00 favs

TW: Self-harm. I wanted to write a mental health essay that wasn't all rah! rah! and with as little sentimentality as possible. Out of everything I've published, I've gotten the most feedback from this--people telling me it helped them understand a loved one better, etc.…


775775 views1212 comments77 favs

still to early to dodge leaping bodies on misty roads at night

More Of My Dark Job History

916916 views55 comments55 favs

In my 14 to 15 year old life in the late 50s I worked as a clean-up boy in the neighborhood butcher shop up on 5th. Ave.,


746746 views33 comments33 favs

sometimes i have to be in the other room just so i can breathe easy away from you.

Yet More from The Chronicles of His Demise

815815 views1616 comments88 favs

The Muse//has used/ me up