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Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.3 - c.3

12111211 views00 comments00 favs

Sora collapsed on the wall to Azure’s squeals. She felt her arm lifted up and placed around Azure’s shoulder.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 20

905905 views00 comments00 favs

They are sea scallops wrapped in bacon, grilled with butter and lemon and plated in heavy seasoned cream sauce and served with apricot chutney.


958958 views11 comment00 favs

He, an irregular chap, Was known for his hat with a flap. Had fleet feet and a very strong back.

The Pope of Rock 'n Roll

531531 views00 comments00 favs

Pope Leo XIII endorsed a cocaine-based drink and at the age of 90 sat in on “The Last Castrato, Complete Vatican Recordings.”


14851485 views1717 comments1010 favs

The leaves are telegrams sent from the branches to the wind, saying, “it's over stop don't send kisses stop forget me.”

I Go Cold Keyboard at End of Day

10141014 views11 comment00 favs

Excuse me, can I now ask to change my favorite childhood color from green to yellow?

The End.

10701070 views11 comment11 fav

Liz lies in bed next to a stranger. He is snoring softly, and she turns her head toward him, looking at his eyelids flutter as he enters REM sleep. He stirs and rolls over on his side away from her. As he does so, he pulls part of the comforter with him, exposing her…

Voltaire Drinks Thirty Cups of Coffee

20902090 views77 comments55 favs

Voltaire drinks his coffee standing up in front of the microwave and he likes to hold one hand on his chest where his heart is while he drinks. He likes to feel his heartbeat quicken and then he imagines that he is a machine or something mechanical.

There's A Place I Know

11581158 views44 comments55 favs

“Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water."- W.C. Fields Around the next corner is a dark green door a dark…

Joe's Sniff Shack

11301130 views88 comments00 favs

Joe's, always smelling of cherry chapstick or the breeze that comes up from subway grates, used to service some of the finest dupes in town.

Children of the Cloud

852852 views1212 comments55 favs

That some adults believed the drill would save/ us from the blast of fusioned hydrogen// amused us as we quietly curled along

No Electricity

841841 views00 comments00 favs

I awoke mid-dreamAt that point between light and dark,East and west, young and oldThat no one knows or remembers.There was no electricity,No electric lights, no humming machinery.Only the sights and sounds of creationSpectacular in their simplicity.

The Random of It All

939939 views33 comments11 fav

When I bumped my head I almost fell to the ground Not so much stars As flashes of lights That looked like sparklers My mother chasing the dog She never catches it The cat sits on a nearby chair It's head moving as the dog does …

Run For Your Life

11051105 views00 comments00 favs

It was where the “Suits” worked. I didn’t want to go there, I didn’t want to be there, but in those days one did what one was supposed to do.


985985 views22 comments11 fav

...You do the Math

The Alternative Zodiac

21362136 views55 comments22 favs

Instead of these gew-gaw ‘signs’ you waffle about, I will give you reality

A Staple Diet

11051105 views77 comments00 favs

Whenever Mommy was gone, Josh Forcett's father made him eat staples, often by the spoonful.


11011101 views33 comments44 favs

LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHINGIf you think by your death you have left me alone, to pine, to regret, to watch cable tv, you're wrong.At bedtime I wear a new black lace gown,and arrange myself to advantageon sheets finer than any we shared.I've left the…

Heart Apart

913913 views22 comments22 favs

Yes, I had pulled my own heart apart Yes, I had slipped up on time itself In its own backyard behind my memories And scared the crap out of it By not yelling, just sniffing at its neck Longingly, tearing it apart with my teeth Wishing I had

Knock Knock

956956 views33 comments22 favs

The bad moods crash the door down like an overzealous SWAT team and wreck the furniture. The good moods arrive unannounced.

Astrology for a Better Future

106106 views1818 comments99 favs

Nobody looks for Gina between the hours of four and five. Her father is on swing shift for the rest of the summer; his two o'clock- dinner plates are soaking in a sinkful of scummy water. Her mother is fanning herself in the shade of the wisteria, most of her…

A Case of Mo Yan Blues

12321232 views2121 comments99 favs

my speech/ in Oslo.


891891 views00 comments00 favs

Experience is veracious and honest; action, the only moral Dimension that matters, that is undeniable and pure.

The Heart

942942 views00 comments00 favs

Oh, I cant stop singingThis human heart beatingWhat people say do not interest meAs much what goes on in their heartsThe heart is were they are really atNo matter what they saySome call it the IdSome call it the subconscious Some call in the willSome call it the…

ER Chronicles (1)

15111511 views77 comments33 favs

Thank christ for feminst theory and fat good natured shrinks and tall men who stand guard over me with real guns, real bullets.

In Time,

17931793 views66 comments66 favs

IN TIME, we will walk on gravel paths studded with gemstones.

Roadside Assistance

11401140 views99 comments44 favs

When it starts looking bad enough, I bundle up and head out the door.


823823 views11 comment00 favs

I have full bars on my iPhone, but no one has called, texted, emailed, IM'd, tweeted, Facebook'd, Tumblr messaged, or commented on my blog and I wonder if I am really connected, if my iPhone hasn't suddenly started to malfunction and I am really just all alone here,…

Whip Poor Will

11251125 views33 comments22 favs

Save your delirium...

Dead Bear

893893 views00 comments00 favs

Most likely, the dead bear would be such a mind-fuck for the building crew that they’d probably just remove it quietly. There could be fines and reports and loads of paperwork involved…news would spread and inspections would follow. Yep, they would probab