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A Day in the Life of a Supermodel Armpit Makeup Artist

27992799 views55 comments22 favs

“Skip the obsequies,” he said. He meant “flattery” but he’d been taking a “30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary” course.

Only Dreams

11231123 views66 comments33 favs

Her smile like fortune’s cannot be coerced but she opens her peignoir. He stares at the sullen bullethole between her breasts, dark blood welling slowly with each heartbeat. Does he bow slightly, turn away whole? You suppose not. She closes the door.

Botanical Maneuvers

919919 views77 comments55 favs

They hunger for new real estate/ and those resources underground

I Used to Be a Literature Major

10961096 views44 comments33 favs

I remember reading poetry in the library / when I was in college, after skipping / Sociology, Psychology, or Theology. / I remember thinking: What is this nonsense? / I don’t want to waste my time on any of this.

The Tall Man’s Secret

12771277 views88 comments55 favs

For the next two hours, Ed goes nonchalantly about his business, buck naked the whole time. He putters around the house, writes e mails, waters plants, vacuums the rug and sweeps the porch. I pretend to ignore his nudity

Appreciating the Adagio because of Hardaway

872872 views55 comments11 fav

Gary wrote in beautiful brevity of this most fabled story told with strings. Of it's breathtaking majesty and boundless power.

I Wish I Could Say This to Your Face

13721372 views1818 comments55 favs

The day you came home, after three extended tours in Afghanistan, I wanted to welcome you at the bus station, but I was afraid you'd attach yourself to me again.


14101410 views55 comments33 favs

We have read your book, but regret to inform you that it is insufficient. This is not to say that you as a person are insufficient, simply that your writing is. When you asked us what percentage of manuscripts we found sufficient, we told you, “Less tha

Gay Paree

13541354 views1212 comments99 favs

I had a crappy room on the fourth floor of a crappy hotel.

Jack Garner, Parsley Farmer

847847 views00 comments00 favs

“Stay away from fad fruits and vegetables like endive, pomegranates and kiwis,” his father said. “Stick with something that people need, something that will last–parsley.”

Waking Up After a Nap During Election Day

12581258 views33 comments22 favs

He is an exercise in humility:What I cannot have or be. The chances of our meetingand his perfection are darkly astronomical. There are plenty of otherswhose riches I cannot have,why envy him?We are similar in spritbut have different fortunes.It is unfair and…

Mr. Kunitz, Mr. Lowell, Mrs. Craig

12851285 views88 comments66 favs

Although I think we can easily work it out because we are not here in the Yale graduate school, and diction is the theme of the story. Diction is a choice in language.

Auto Imperative

16641664 views2020 comments1212 favs

I drove to you in April / and you loved me all through Illinois

Bad Writing

241241 views4545 comments1414 favs


Now Lay in It

993993 views33 comments11 fav

The phone rang again at midnight. Maury sat straight up in bed, a reflex from his days in the barracks. Linda, his wife, was already sitting up. In the hint of moonlight, she dabbed her nose with a wadded tissue and made helpless little noises. Maury…

100 Words

11591159 views55 comments55 favs

She thinks this is the place she dreamed

No Surprise Parties, Please

759759 views22 comments22 favs

“Many years of co-dependency,” he said.

I fell in love with jackal face

888888 views11 comment11 fav

As we stood there, my hair slung over his shoulder like uncooked pizza dough, I updated my wish.


24652465 views4040 comments3737 favs

After the shooting, they sent the boy away. He returned taller and heavier, a sulkier version of his earlier self.

Questions of Ownership

11381138 views1212 comments99 favs

Who owns the moon? What title search/ could ever make a claim?

Eternally Shall Be the Leaves I Rest

10391039 views00 comments00 favs

All greatest things are tokens of themselves: They need no tongues to say why they are so, To say why suns surpass historic gulfs Or why the rain sheds more tears than the snow: Yet man must strive to paint what falls beneath The glance…

Confessions of a Closet Hoarder

13031303 views44 comments33 favs

Many years ago I visited a nude beach. I undressed at the car and walked with my companions onto a California beach as naked as the day we were born.

no more than a scent

740740 views00 comments00 favs

Art evades me persistently.Tonight is no exception.Outside, the bitter wind blows:suddenly, an oddity comes to minda memory, a glance. A mid summer nightheavy and taintedunder the neon lights.A foolish smile invites me income through the threshold of sinshe appears to…

Wednesday Night Aliens

936936 views11 comment11 fav

The old-timers at the Working Man’s Club wear a sheen of indifference every Wednesday night. Beneath the wafting, cresting mountains of burning cigarettes smoke, the train-track rattle of dominoes chipping at the dark wood tables in the corner, the consta

My Other Mother is a Ferrari

23912391 views1616 comments99 favs

******WARNING: Long-ass story****** Click at your own risk.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 41

854854 views00 comments00 favs

Gabe took the huge spoon and loaded it with half of his mousse. He nibbled a bite off the spoon. A big smile, amplified by Gabe’s large head, filled his face and brightened the whole room.

The Lateness of the Night Lies Dreaming

14241424 views66 comments33 favs

Your finger quivers as it writes Upon me words in water, Words I cannot read nor drink But feel them as you drink Them with your tongue

Let's All Go Down to the Rising River

943943 views11 comment00 favs

As the pastor of a small southern church, I'm often asked by our younger members about this prickly notion of global warming. They herd around me, as adolescents are prone to do, and they ask me, “Dear father, is this something that we should fear, these…

The Waves

16601660 views77 comments66 favs

...some years later I heard that an old friend jumped off that bridge to her death.

Let's Be Frank

626626 views11 comment11 fav

Guilt is a full-time job Without benefits No vacations No coffee breaks No free lunch No maternity leave No paternity leave All you get is the ability to be Paralyzed with guilt You will freeze in the night Without a blanket Becaus