by Bill Yarrow
I drove to you in April
and you loved me all through Illinois
I drove to you in April
and even when the fender was destroyed
you loved me all through Illinois
I drove to you in April
and even when we lost the radio
and drove in each other's voice
you loved me all through Illinois
we drove in each other's voice
and you loved me all through Illinois
in the car I drove to you in April
without a radio without a fender
with you beside me all through Illinois
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81 words
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This poem was published in Scissors & Spackle.
Thank you, Jenny Catlin and Joani Reese.
"Auto Imperative" appears in THE VIG OF LOVE (Glass Lyre Press, 2016).
Crazy. Do you hear someone like me while driving? Furry phantom, face it, FUZZ. _Silo_ is the word I'll R.I.P. applying. I never address another, as near as possible, a cardinal lesbian sign of respect. Addressing one other, to the nearby side, rings, as in this crazy poem. *
Yes. "I drove to you in April
and even when we lost the radio
and drove in each other's voice
you loved me all through Illinois." Really like this.*
The midwest is somewhat mythical and the sound of Illinois agood one for repetition.
Love makes the world go round. *
Illinois, of all places. *
Thanks for commenting and liking, Ann, Gary P. Gary H. Jake, and Gloria!
It is the cruelest month.
" even when we lost the radio
and drove in each other's voice"
Yes. *
This is my favorite line:
we drove in each other's voice
I enjoyed all of it very much.
Thanks, Sam and Paul!
Ha! Love the structure of this that evolves as it goes on. So evocative. Reminds me of a car our group of friends in Boulder each took turns owning. A Falcon we dubbed "The Maltese". *
This is lovely, stirring and so gorgeously structured.
Thanks, Michael and Nonnie. Great comments. I am nothing if not structured!
Like the emotional intensity of the piece.
I like especially the first three stanzas. *
Thanks for reading and commenting, Ed and Beate!
I think this is sweet and humble and I could almost hear music as I read it.
"we drove in each other's voice"
I love how you make the abstract feel not only understandable but intimate.
The form of this poem fits the context and feeling so perfectly. I love the building momentum.
Thank you, Patti, Amanda, and Emily for three great comments!
I know this sensation well. Great job reigniting it. Thanks for popping this up at FB. *