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Sweet Sorrow

10911091 views1313 comments1111 favs

He sat at the bar and waited for her. He looked at the noon drinkers with indifferent eyes.

The Blood and the Bulb

858858 views44 comments22 favs

I had laid my hand down hard upon a long forgotten shard of an old coke bottle. The cut is deep.


12371237 views1919 comments1313 favs

A short snippet of text

Those (Beckoning) Lights

15461546 views99 comments1111 favs

The understanding we made was neatly wrapped up in its own blue tissue cocoon like a neatly rolled joint and dumped unceremoniously into the forgotten past like a plate of leftover digitized lies. The lid was slammed shut. Time passes too tightly. And you …

Letters to Conrad

10661066 views44 comments44 favs

Dear Conrad, If you cannot control your dog’s barking I’ll rig up a loud speaker facing the general direction of your house, and every time your mutt starts howling at the moon, I’ll start playing “It’s a Small World (After All)” at top volume on the p

13 confessions made by the Punchman, after being subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques

884884 views00 comments00 favs

1. It was never me operating Jack Ketch. I let someone else do it. Never saw his face. He smelt of burning oil.2. I stole from the kids' parents. While they watched the show, I sent my mates round to pick their pockets.3. I gave the arresting officers nightmares. It was…

the body that has the heat

867867 views33 comments22 favs

Dream, swan, dream of your woman, whenever you get hold of her. Problem after problem lets up under the grip you have. And conquest without plan is what you’ve added to the world. So, share your songs under wild silk, won’t you? I remember there was hel

The Arms of the Sea

10011001 views1111 comments22 favs

The water lapped against the sides of the small boat, their rhythm all that I could think of. Sweltering rays beat down, frying my flesh, the insipid salty breeze that occasionally stirred my only relief from it. Gulls circled overhead, like white ravens,

Brenda Bossy Pants and her Friends

115115 views88 comments44 favs

Women have been mean to women since Biblical times, Sarah and Hagar vying for Abraham's loyalty, to the Archie comics with best friend rivals Betty and Veronica. Usually the conflict is over a man, but it could be merely envy or a…

Flavor of Law

866866 views88 comments11 fav

It’s funny how white people are so reluctant to reveal their ignorance of hip-hop culture. “There are a number of robust on-line tools that can assign randomly-generated rap nicknames to members of the federal judiciary,” I told him.

insomnia made bearable

17051705 views1616 comments1111 favs

the cheek of you! to dream/ upon my sheets in schoolboy peace/ when here i lie,/ each second spent/ a tranquilized tiger cursed with awareness/ for all the flesh so near its maw.

I Don't Know Why People Still Read These Things

926926 views55 comments33 favs


The Poem Sits at Home and Envies as It Celebrates Music

10041004 views1515 comments1010 favs

Translation’s not required—music/ sings itself complete and comprehensible

Frances at Virginia Beach

12191219 views22 comments33 favs

My husband waits for him to hurt himself. The boy drinks red wine between movements, Staring hypnotically at the back Of a girl’s head.

The Back Burner

753753 views44 comments22 favs

Below them, the clag shears open in irregular patches, the lights of Seattle resolving themselves through the thinning overcast then vanishing again by turns.


10411041 views77 comments77 favs

She tossed the big bird into the air. It wobbled, then flew away.


12461246 views55 comments33 favs

It's a pretty strange feeling when you think you're about to bite into some ice cream and instead it's gazpacho.

Crazy Later

12601260 views66 comments22 favs

A year ago, my neighbor was a sexy graduate student in fashion design, sounds perhaps shabby, yet if it is, then we in the Middle West are all shabby. That girl's father graduated from high school with Bob Dylan in Hibbing, not entitling her to a child.

The Stars in Illinois

10301030 views00 comments00 favs

Only early June, but the heat feels like August. Eleanor and Shelby sit on the front steps of the old Victorian-style house in downtown Los Angeles, drinking homemade margaritas and watching the daylight drain away to dusk. Shelby slaps a mosquito away fr

You Think Too Much

9797 views66 comments44 favs

This was my father's diagnosis of my perpetual misery as an adolescent. “If I thought as much as you do, I'd go crazy.” Probably true as he was an Auschwitz survivor. To him, it was important to substitute…


10571057 views11 comment22 favs

suddenly she blurts out: “You are vulgar.” There is actually no perfect translation to it. “Bastos ka.” She meant I was vulgar, but also disgusting, distasteful, offensive, rude, salacious, obnoxious…

Sidewalk Cafe at Night: van Gogh

10121012 views55 comments33 favs

while the fat stars stand out in the cobalt night.

The Object of Desire

13511351 views55 comments77 favs

I was born to be desired, stamped with the insignia of my creator, and folded in precious, shimmering materials. If the fate of my co-createds holds true for me, then this covering was further covered with the name of my creator, printed on materials too rough ever to touch…

Going on Account

10131013 views33 comments33 favs

I study the architecture of hunger. I listen to intuitions. I have a map of heaven and a map of hell and they are the same map.


884884 views44 comments11 fav

She found herself suddenly awake at five. She laid there in their bed while downstairs the coffee maker waited for her to press its button so it might gurgle and hiss, filling the pot with wakefulness. The dishwasher waited too, waited for her to throw its latch…

The Humanists

992992 views00 comments00 favs

“She’s very sick. She’s dying,” and he smoothed my hair along my neck. “It’s leukemia. A very rare type,” his hand reached my shoulder and stopped there. “She only has a few months.”

The Real Story Behind The Lipstick On Obama's Shirt

10451045 views66 comments11 fav

The lipstick on your collar walked up the steps and through the front door, without a key. Her smile was hypnotically red and bountiful. The guards standing around didn't dare frisk her for weapons, her lips were weapon enough.

for one dedicated to artemis

12671267 views33 comments33 favs

artemis is but a mincing fawn:/ no sacred bitches need i in my ranks,/ nor hunting dogs to tear a man apart/ when i have teeth enough to bruise fine flanks.


837837 views11 comment11 fav

“Goodnight,” he said before leaving the room and shutting his bedroom door behind him. She stood in the kitchen alone now, a shot of vodka poured into a shot glass, and a bottle of coke ready to swig afterwards. This didn't make her an alcoholic…


132132 views1818 comments88 favs

Dinosaurs, a little boy, a hapless mother and mortality.