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Upfaked Out of My Love Shoes

595595 views00 comments00 favs

A dirty-blonde woman in a little black dress, her face a picture of chagrin/ Was similarly looking around as if lost, other’s heads ending at her chin.


10731073 views33 comments33 favs

he wanders the house/ crying for the hairless tomcat/ (gone for the night/ on an overnight job).

Jorge Curioso Flies a Plane

13731373 views66 comments55 favs

This is Jorge. He was a good little monkey. And always curious.Like the time he and his friend, the man in the amarillo sombrero, had to fly to Japan. *Jorge sat by the window. Watched the ground get further away. Until they were above the clouds. He looked out…

The Planetary Phosphorescent Horses

10261026 views77 comments44 favs

sprang straight up to their full galloping heights roaming over your hills like constantly shifting eyes, your strange approximated illuminating hair like ghosts giving birth to a tender smell of green sea foam. This was all I saw, but it was quite…

Tales from the Friend Zone

12601260 views44 comments33 favs

The blade was wielded by a spunky brunette with a German accent and a laugh that made me weak at the knees.

Junior League Therapy

854854 views55 comments44 favs

She laughed as she stuck up the word flaccid, it kept falling down

Precatio contra violo

12041204 views99 comments77 favs

The drip of rank meat, his muzzle, his back-barbed tongue: red.

The Sadness of Thrift Shops

12391239 views1010 comments66 favs

They couldn’t have done it better if they’d waved guns around in the air.


14591459 views1616 comments1515 favs

lost in a taxi cab, 4:30 am

Paper Elephants

22952295 views1616 comments1818 favs

Every year people came from as far away as Des Moines and Halifax for Elephant Day. They came to see the elephants.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 59

968968 views44 comments22 favs

Girolamo Dente was nodding off in his studio at Découvrir Art when he heard the alarm.

Lonely Hearts

12301230 views1515 comments1616 favs

He didn't hide it. He told her he was a mortician when he called. He had responded to her ad in the Lonely Hearts section of the newspaper.

Happy Christmas to my quantum mechanic-

907907 views77 comments77 favs

this elegant silver wrench/ which from the opposite side/ becomes a golden Phillips-head

Sweetie and Jack

11791179 views1313 comments1313 favs

Let's walk through this park. We can talk until dark. You have the look of a wolf. I'm not stupid, Jack. I'm a lamb, you'll see, once you get to know me. That tat is fierce and your leathers tight black. My ink is old and black suits me, I'm told. …


10981098 views1010 comments77 favs

I have known a head become / a callus, matriculate, stop / shaving, move to Vegas

"Dial Back the Snark" Speakers Scramble for Limited Gigs

830830 views33 comments11 fav

“‘Dial Back the Snark’ is an attempt to fight the cynicism that’s corroding America’s social fabric,” Myers says, mixing his metaphors. “It’s spreading like wildfire."

Get Me to the Church on Time

13121312 views1616 comments1111 favs

In my upper room, a sermon/ was playing about sundry.

Hot Lava Carpets

15941594 views1616 comments1414 favs

"The carpet's hot lava," my son cries, pointing at the ground from the sofa."Yeowch!" I say, leaping next to him.We sit together for a moment, silently contemplating our predicament."We need to get downstairs," I tell him. He nods, but does not move. He stares at the hot…

A Breviary

11751175 views99 comments77 favs

Whistle for silence.

In Dubai

10891089 views22 comments22 favs

I do not know the species of birds here. / The two I see playing on the balcony at night / I can never call back.

Homeless Haiku

657657 views33 comments33 favs

All I want is a


19111911 views1616 comments1717 favs

We descended directly from Charlemagne

Shame On 34th Street

10311031 views00 comments00 favs

This tanka poem was inspired by news report that the Macy's of "Miracle on 34th Street" fame has a white Santa in front and a black Santa in back.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 58

11421142 views44 comments22 favs

Anatoly Gringovitch was listening to the dress rehearsal of Hausenstockmann’s Constellations at Auditorium Rainier III in Monte Carlo.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

10481048 views1212 comments1010 favs

A man of action would take to his rake/ but Sloth would rather watch and wait/ for snow to erase each leaf on leaf.

Memoir 2.3

10231023 views33 comments33 favs

Coffee comes in KCups and you can't fight five wars at the same time.


11061106 views1313 comments1111 favs

I stomped up the steps clearing my shoes of snow. I was wearing my Rooskie fur hat with the ear flaps, and I kept it on when I went inside.

Street Parking

12111211 views1111 comments77 favs

“Everything is neon, “ I say.

Thanks Again, Target!

839839 views00 comments00 favs

A tanka poem inspired by the CEO's apology and a 10% discount for the 40 million debit card numbers stolen at Target store since Black Friday.

Marie Antoinette's Angel Food Cake Recipe

17761776 views1212 comments1010 favs

honey/she said/with a wink/and a twinkle