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The Photograph

16851685 views1414 comments1212 favs

But if he's been photographing her for almost thirty years, there must be close to 11,000 images. During the session, they don't speak. And, after so long, words are not really necessary.

The Business of Shadows

10171017 views22 comments00 favs

The flowerpots across the street from Frank’s room at the Place d’Armes Hotel never appeared parched by the late August sun.

from: The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars

615615 views55 comments22 favs

That was when we discovered we could make one shadow jump right through another and come out whole on the other side. Our shadows were indestructible. It was one of those moments of discovery maybe only gallons of pink Chablis could bring on. Or dope.

Man In Hiding

14451445 views99 comments1111 favs

I answered with my usual economy of words. If someone wants more, they must ask, and he did.

Black House

11081108 views88 comments55 favs

I dreamt once a child’s drawing of a house all scribbly black crayon swayback roof crooked chimney. God, do you remember how cold it was that night?

If. You. Speak.

965965 views66 comments55 favs

The one at dusk is not the one you met this morning. That one's gone like a head in the window.


11691169 views88 comments77 favs

I usually idle by Spades Check Cashing on 8th Ave. and catch folks that way. The Homestead cops, they moved stations from a little up Amity to down on 7th, which is closer to Spades, but they leave me alone. I've drove jitneys almost ten years. Only been cited twice,…

The Poet and The Escape

577577 views00 comments00 favs

What I have doneOh what I have becomeWhat happened to all I thought I had known?This will not standMy mind becoming rottenThe things I thought were important to meHave all become forgottenWashing my convictions in cheap alcoholFeeding my misery with one kind, then allMy…


651651 views00 comments00 favs

On weekdays the two walked,The man in front and the boy always behind,Away from the borrowed house and the kachina dolls inside.Neither of them said anything.The boy thought of things that just wouldn't come out,and the dirt road was always just wet enough thatThe man's…


18801880 views1212 comments88 favs

you dug a hole inside my heart and asked me if it hurt

woke up in 2010//an exercise four years ago

889889 views33 comments33 favs

I am from slow diagnoses, impatience and parents skeptical of New York City doctors. I am from tall buildings, yogurt shakes, and envy for my brother's asthma machine. I am from here, stay away from there, don't get too close, be careful at the edge, the…

Fairy Tale

10231023 views44 comments33 favs

Ey’, it’s where I followed him down

13 poets in Hell

931931 views11 comment11 fav

1Paradise Lost is cast into the lake of fire. Satan tells John Milton to rewrite it in 140 characters or fewer.2Filippo Marinetti languishes in a dismal rural idyll. His hand, possessed, scrawls euphonic odes to the moon with a quill.3Henri Michaux floats through the…


10411041 views88 comments88 favs

My stories are ramshackle; they lurch along in old sweaters with holes and missing buttons, drinking from mismatched cups and saucers.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 64

903903 views22 comments11 fav

Mulvihill suspected, but could not prove, that the connection to all three murders and the three men was a painting

Bad Ideas I've Had

922922 views77 comments44 favs

Not all ideas are bad, just mine.

Cleaverly Done!

897897 views22 comments11 fav

‘what’s the hassle kiddo, chopping meat is fun, come here and listen to the music of the chop, the sound of steel ripping through air, slicing through flesh and hitting wood, poetry I say’.

Ashes to Ashes

976976 views66 comments33 favs

Day by day people went missing. Reports of the ads being answered with a robocall solution to their problems were at first unconfirmed. Yesterday my best friend told me his emotional distress call was going to be channeled into a free trip to what he call

my first racist joke

18521852 views44 comments44 favs

"There's a guy and he's standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon."


864864 views99 comments88 favs

we’ll never win/ the ongoing battle with dirt.


899899 views44 comments44 favs

What if she doesn't take me seriously? My sweaty testimony wedged tight behind the tragic I used to think was honest? What if, right? What if . . . Isolation Real men feel that, right? They have …

How to Have a Fulfilling Sexual Relationship with Your Own Parents (Part One)

18401840 views33 comments33 favs

Hi, I'm Alexander Payne. I hate sex.

Dear Joe,

14971497 views88 comments77 favs

Walk alone at night, quietly. Pause for eye contact with raccoons and night cats, your drunk self, and lights in the graveyard. Don't apologize for it in the morning. Instead of the shame you feel for one time acting selfishly and chasing a future, say…

The Rag & Bone Armada Breaks Rank Upon the Barrier Reef like the Torpedo It Really is and Sinks Its Target with a Wink and a...

721721 views33 comments33 favs

When it's over and done the dangling skeleton walks away in one direction and the rushing wind pours itself into the other. My concern is always to be by your side. Most people probably think even that is giving it way too much of a movie plot,…

Notes for a Life. In a Swing. No Wind to Speak of.

13911391 views1313 comments1515 favs

Somewhere a banjo, somewhere a hound.

Three Short Slips About Plants

925925 views44 comments33 favs

That twig looks pretty dead to me, He will never ever be a man.


836836 views66 comments55 favs

It is our gift-- the knowing/ without knowing--/ that allows us transport,

holding it down

12291229 views88 comments66 favs

You lazy fuckwit! You half-assed shithead!

M Box

861861 views88 comments55 favs

I do that now. And I shiver. My mom's eyes don't seem to have any expression. They look lifeless. Her eyes look... dead. Stop it, Alison, I tell myself. You're being stupid.


13821382 views66 comments66 favs

As military tears soaked into hymnbook pages