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I Saw God in a Wheelchair

14561456 views44 comments22 favs

I saw God sobbing in a wheelchair His legs didn't work and He had no hair I saw God sobbing in a wheelchair Nobody else was there Nobody stopped to stare Nobody seemed to care

-And Lurking Behind Quasar 3C295 . . .

14561456 views22 comments22 favs

“Let’s see that great big telescope of yours,” she exhaled hotly, “I want to grind your lenses!” The doctoral candidate dutifully stood between her and his massive telescope so her hands would encounter some instrumentation with no optical components.

Dirty Aubade

14561456 views77 comments55 favs

We could kiss under the elder tree, even though it was forbidden, even though we were drowned by the noise of the river and nothing we said was right

The Case for Mashed Potatoes

14561456 views44 comments11 fav

Steam rolls out of the bathroom as Mr. Larson opens the door with a white towel around his waist. Pepper strolls up to him and purrs as she rubs her long, gray tail against his tanned legs."Hey, girl.” He runs his coarse, scarred fingers through the cat's soft coat.…


14561456 views00 comments00 favs

Vito sat alone on a bench, hunched over, staring at his running shoes. He wasn't having fun. The club wasn't nearly as crowded as usual. There were no outlandishly-dressed or made-up people present. Most in attendance were huddled directly before the band


14561456 views55 comments22 favs

Hooking up.


14561456 views1111 comments44 favs

A young woman in shorts removes her sunglasses, putting them on top of her head in order to study a little girl sitting on her father’s lap on the bus. “I want to get me one of those,” she’s says, smiling. Dark eyes, her dark hair wet and hangin


14561456 views33 comments33 favs

Marie shrugs. “Maybe she’s just late. Come on, let's wait by the jungle gym.” She runs over and starts climbing. The jungle gym is closest to the path that goes into the woods and down into the canyon. She has to get him into the woods somehow.

Headstone III

14561456 views2828 comments2121 favs

My only brother. Frantic flesh clings to bone.

After Tom Phillips

14551455 views00 comments00 favs

but still whisper the brick / and mortar details in both ears / at once, twice.


14551455 views77 comments77 favs

The moun­tains of humil­ity went silent, / the rain of regency dried its eyes

From Time To Infinity

14551455 views55 comments22 favs

On some evenings, when I would sneak out of my room, I'd sit on the verandah and count the streetlights. I'd count the stars in the sky and trace the moon with the tip of my finger and consider how anyone could make it through the night when there were so

To Live It Again

14551455 views77 comments44 favs

She began guiding Penny’s arms, whispering movements through her body. Memory and experience sang through every fiber of their being. The song had become her life.

The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

14551455 views1414 comments44 favs

One of the women is a brassy blond, and when she takes off her coat, I almost choke on a French fry.

Pirate Ship

14551455 views1010 comments99 favs

I was a disposable disaster at first, a thousand Light years ago. We sail the seas we're given, and Like all of you I did my best to survive , but that doesn't mean we get To survive it like you. Our course may have blown us Completely…

The Promise Land

14551455 views2727 comments1919 favs

One sentence

Break-up Bars (A Recipe...)

14551455 views00 comments00 favs

2 sticks soft (like your heart) butter... ... 1 cup crushed (like you) walnuts...

The Front Window at Starbucks, NYC

14551455 views77 comments66 favs

His eyes drift over the body of every woman who enters Starbucks, even though he’s old enough to be their father or grandfather, still his eyes are aware of every shape passing by, refusing to let go, and die. Maybe they’re speaking Polish or

Kramer vs. Kramer

14551455 views1111 comments77 favs

Kramer wraps himself around Kramer’s legs, from behind, then lifts him and tips him up and over and down, per their rehearsed routine.


14541454 views66 comments44 favs

We lived in a white and mint green trailer in the woods. I was 23. The hanging of the clothes on the line made me feel kind of famous in the eyes of nature

Mississippi Blues

14541454 views22 comments11 fav

“Jus’ because a story told right don’t make it true,” he said. “Sometimes the story is there ain’t no story. Sometimes you look way down inside, and ain’t nuthin’ there. Can’t write no book ‘bout nuthin’. Won’t sell none. But them

Day's Heat and Mistaken Winters

14541454 views66 comments11 fav

Elizabeth stood outside my door one afternoon. I greeted her from across the studio, put on some water to boil and walked to the door. I took her hand, held it to my cheek, and led her to my dining room table.


14541454 views1010 comments99 favs

It’s a little known fact that eels are often lost in translation – only the spotted variety, not the striped or the common and certainly not the electric.... I think about that lovely hippie girl and her knowledge of eels, sometimes.

Tuscumbia, Alabama

14541454 views1111 comments77 favs

My dad at the wheel, my mother's ulcer inflamed, she puked her way across northern Alabama that summer, from Huntsville and the rusting rockets to Tuscumbia, the farthest any of us had been west. We drove through raw, blistered towns,…

Some Nature Haiku

14541454 views44 comments22 favs

The proud, burly tree / Rests on the now crashed TV / Thanks a lot, nature


14531453 views1111 comments1212 favs

Papa says an adding machine tape has gotten tangled up around his legs. He pulls it off his leg, but it's really his catheter tube, so he wets the bed. I tell him he's not in a tree, and I clean it up. He tells me all about it for an hour, and I to bed.…

My Anonymous Career

14531453 views1212 comments77 favs

I signed on with a large national restaurant chain to write descriptors for menus, and I was the very first to use the term "farm-fresh" to refer to eggs.

The Long Fuse

14531453 views11 comment11 fav

I have heard the very people who make me talk as if explosiveness is something to flee. And I agree. If you are not designed to destroy, you should stay far away with me. I was packed with the desire to fall apart with force and take whatever stands near me with me. It is…

Plans and The World

14531453 views2828 comments1414 favs

You are terrified. You light/ the autopilot light and trust// the small machineries of self/ to land things safely,

Her Dream Princes

14531453 views1010 comments44 favs

They live a simple life..two solitudes by lamplight.