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April, 1956

16111611 views2828 comments2222 favs

I felt/ no need to show what I had made/ to anybody else.

Sof a

16111611 views66 comments77 favs

My softness craves your weight. Give me your shape, and I won't resist it. Or, rather, I will but just enough to recall it. I can only give that much, and that's my fatal flaw. If I were a more pliable thing, I could let go of these impressions. The stains—coffee,…

11:11AM Eastern Standard Time:

16111611 views44 comments11 fav

"Make a wish," she whispered.


16111611 views99 comments33 favs

Backs in the grass, legs straight, bare feet resting at angles, Rachel and I, both of us seven, looked up through the oak limbs that made black lightning cracks across a blinding blue sky. Three hula hoops sat trapped in the trees’ sprawled grasp.


16111611 views2222 comments1616 favs

My mother used to say she'll be just like you and you‘ll deserve it. I was a Punk Rocker. A rebel. Emily worries about things like grades and sports. She's on the soccer team. I got stoned under the bleachers. Emily, is a good kid. …

"Oh, what's this?" she

16101610 views1212 comments1111 favs

"So, like the Goldilocks thing…"

The Grape

16101610 views55 comments44 favs

I would be reduced to begging on the streets and hoping for a sign of her in soup lines.

The Empty Bed

16101610 views1313 comments1212 favs

But by day the birds / of prey were in control.

A Frog in a Well

16101610 views11 comment11 fav

Ikkyu liked coming over especially at dinner. I'm a great cook and even though he no longer needed to eat himself, the idea of a sumptuous meal and a nice bottle of wine appealed to him. We'd commune about the poetry of karma flowers, seafood, and women, he in his robes and…

one dozen haiku

16091609 views1111 comments99 favs

strumming on the pipe/blowing on the lute's body/drumming on the horn.


16091609 views1313 comments1515 favs

How I felt in Ireland.

Metaviews at Metazen

16091609 views1616 comments1313 favs

This is self-reflection or self-reflexive writing. Candor but not verse. That is what I write: not-verse. On occasion I write a poem though rarely an occasional poem. Instead of calling it non-fiction we could call it non-verse.

Bad Dad

16091609 views77 comments55 favs

When they were seven, he’d taken them out to the desert and let them shoot a .38 at rusted cans. The explosions rocked them back on their heels.

patti, did art get us?

16091609 views1111 comments88 favs

often as i lie awake i wonder are you awake too?/ we never had any children, he said ruefully/ that summer i cried so much that robert called me soakie/ robert, dying: creating silence


16091609 views55 comments00 favs

I’m told it hurts. It hurts more than anyone ever thought it would. Every light in the room blinds you. Every sound in the room deafens you. The pain is excruciating as muscles and nerves that aren’t meant to work anymore are forced back to life i

Joseph Campbell by the Aloe Vera Plants

16081608 views88 comments66 favs

There was man from antiquity that sat next to me. His belief in the healing qualities of Aloe Vera so pronounced, that the house brimmed with such. He had no use for modernity in any of its forms but was fond of supermarkets. When in one he was overwhelmed with an…


16081608 views3131 comments1616 favs

Everyone is botching everything, even the rescue team. They can't get to me. I am surrounded by people who don't know a fatal wound when they see one. I am so determined to live that I become bossy.

The Unknown Substance

16081608 views2525 comments1414 favs

Mama's good at finding things, but hardly ever what she's looking for.

Dog Park

16081608 views2323 comments1313 favs

We met an old friend and his old dog. We went off leash on the lush Buffalo grass. He and I—this old friend, I mean—talked mostly of divorce, something we shared between us.

Ode to a Crow

16081608 views77 comments33 favs

We walk in silence. We water our plants. We don’t eat as well as we should. We try to love. We try to forget.

After this last death,

16071607 views2626 comments2222 favs

After this last death, I lose at musical chairs. Rough strangers shove me toward the carved door. Feeling fierce, I yell, “Don't push me!” House racked with noise, smells, rushing, I turn the…

Chairs and Mirrors

16071607 views1616 comments1616 favs

There's a mirror in front of me and I thought it was so I could see myself, but I didn't want to see me.

Tainted Love

16071607 views1515 comments1010 favs

...skinny love, skinned and thinned weak broth love...

Your Pajamas

16071607 views88 comments55 favs

Your pajamas torture us. When moist they uncomfortably cling. They have evil buttons, and they cause us to stumble on them in the dark.

Macarena Lithuania

16071607 views66 comments11 fav

At dinner in Marrakech, Namid danced on the table, waving a white napkin, propelled by jetlag and poor judgment.

When I Became a White Girl

16071607 views66 comments00 favs

“Actually, children, none of us will be having birthdays this year,” my father sighed. “Not even me? Why?” asked Charlie. "Son, this is what's known as a ‘one-party democracy."


16071607 views1313 comments33 favs

I am a 33 year old drag queen, and I frequently confuse my dreams with reality. Each morning, I awake to a research project: what has actually occurred, and what was a dream? Today I woke up believing I'd lost a pound, so I weighed myself, and I was right.…

Big Slide

16071607 views77 comments22 favs

The screams and howls of other people's children set him on edge. But he struggled to stay cheerful. They had season passes, so the visits there cost nothing and it had consequently become a weekly tradition to go. The children had not, as far as he could

The New Meow

16071607 views44 comments11 fav

I'm delighted to report that I've come up with my own school of thought. It's called, "Dress Like a Cat Until You Get What You Want."

The Ballad Of Sideshow Sam & The Heckler

16061606 views77 comments66 favs

"You know what a hobo is, my young friend? Or a tramp? Or a bum? Well, I'll tell ya, 'cuz you'll meet all of 'em in yer life and it's a good thing to know since they are each one of 'em different and the difference is this. Bums sit around and loaf. T