I believe in the
Collective conscience
Of Mankind
Whatever the masses want
Comes into fruition
Some genius will create it
If we want war
We will get war
We don't want peace
So we never get it
Just consider
The smartphone
What a great device
It seems as if we should never
Be bored again
And believe me
I know what boredom is
I have a degree in it
But with the smartphone
I can always be engaged in something
Its hard to get bored
U have so many choices for entertainment
It seems like too many
You can get on your smartphone
Whenever you are bored
And believe me there is so much
Boredom in this world
We bore ourselves to DEATH
I see people on their phones
Waiting for buses and trains
At work
While driving
Even in the bars and restaurants
We are so bored
I relate
Very few people
I know
Are where they want or need
To be
Don't blame me
That is the human condition
We are stuck somewhere
Somewhere we don't want to be
So we get on our smart phones
And go some where else
Of course.
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One of the world's greatest inventions.
And how. *
I like how far this goes. It feels like you're walking with it — stepping stones, a breadcrumb trail to follow. *.