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How We Handle Our Midnights

850850 views22 comments11 fav

He fingered her lighter off the table during a party hoping she would come over and talk. She was just on the other side of the coffee table but the stereo was so loud, belly or dee lite or some other early 90's dance…


850850 views22 comments00 favs

There was a bucket of shit . . .

Unintentional Hermits/ Animal Cities- Melancholy

850850 views00 comments00 favs

He marvelled at himself. How his decision and the consequential action, could free him up, make him almost jolly, almost well. He didn't give a fig for his lack of money and inability to pay his rent, he didn't care anymore that he was no longer inspired

the trenchant lad & the mechanical men

850850 views00 comments00 favs

A man walks on the moon my mother knew at Purdue.

October is the month when your dog dies

849849 views1616 comments1515 favs



849849 views00 comments00 favs

He repeated Honey, I miss you. He could be cruel. He let their son chase his kite for hours in the park while he sat between two tourists on their way out of the city just last week. He could hear her now, running a bath for herself, forgetting John's Apple Jacks before…

Practice Questions: Grade 7

849849 views33 comments00 favs

When the deer did come, I couldn't shoot straight. I didn't feel scared, but I didn't want to miss and my hand was shaking. I hurried. I held my gun pointing out at the path and fired. But it went a little wild and instead of taking the deer down, I shot

Other Rooms and Other Houses

849849 views88 comments88 favs

Your self-effacement hid/ so much of you// until you died and the full/ inked legacy shown in light

Sulfur and Wishes

849849 views00 comments00 favs

Some mornings he would wake up with his hand in the curve of her side. But her scent would awaken him further to his reality. This was not his wife. No, the women he vowed to protect was asleep in the arms of another.Lost to adultery, his dreams fell to…

Life of a Dead Bird

849849 views11 comment11 fav

I have the idea but cannot find the words


849849 views22 comments00 favs

Still worried. I could use some more hope in my oatmeal.

My Space

849849 views11 comment00 favs

Hey, can you move over and let me sit down here? In German you would use Raum to mean room, or for an area, a region or something like that. There is another word for “room,” as in a room in a house, but you can't use either of those words to ask someone

Cancer Always Calls Collect - Part 13 - Revival of the Fittest

849849 views00 comments00 favs

My body continues to tread water through its daily existence and each day challenges me to find some sort of grounding. I often wonder who needs taking care of as I find myself sometimes spiraling in a downwards cycle-- not even taking a required break

Flying the Potty-Mouthed Skies

849849 views00 comments00 favs

People think being the best-selling author of the Pokey Little Bunny™ series of children’s books is nothing but cream-filled cupcakes, but they’re wrong.

That Was Then, Not Now

848848 views66 comments33 favs

Memory is unreliable, of course-/ re-coloring savored scenes-/ paler here, more saturated there-

the oracle withers, because it is so late

848848 views44 comments00 favs

I remember some of the tight-fitting garments you wore, your looks seeping through them. The light blonde hairs at your neck and at your middle. Were we really expected to keep our hands off each other? It is foolish to think so. I know what I was think

Shot Story

848848 views22 comments33 favs

The earmuffs, a fine pale green, are tilted slightly to the left, threatening to quash her in their magnitude. Her eyes, sharp sparkling blue, focus for a flash, looking for applause or assurance, or perhaps just approval. Safe, behind…

Bright Red Leaf

848848 views44 comments22 favs

Little scoundrel Name of leaf, No one knows He's a thief. The shadows stretch, The birds fly south, And summer's a word Of ash in the mouth When all of a sudden The colors are gone But for a red…

77 Words About Nothing [02-02-2013]

848848 views22 comments00 favs

Connecting the dots the past two weeks, I’ve concluded you’re pregnant again.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 24

848848 views00 comments00 favs

As Zoë says, “You and your musician friends drink in industrial quantities.”

Mom #2

848848 views22 comments22 favs

We’d sometimes find my mother asleep in her chair outside her trailer at the nudist camp when we drove up. She loved her garden there, even with the rabbits eating her young tomato plants. She used to coax the bluebirds down to the railing of her trailer

Silent Now, Against the Wash of Time

848848 views77 comments22 favs

Let us both stand steep, alone, this night; the tide Lies, hastening to us: and, far away, I hear the sea gulls sweep, through the divide That shapes drear skies, between dead lights of day. What worth was love? Man severs all he is, To make one…

Aesthetic Strategy

848848 views77 comments55 favs

it acquires a fine translucence

Dangling Participles

848848 views00 comments00 favs

Flies as big as raisins sucked spit off his lip as he slept. Not sleep in the strictest sense of the word because guys like him don't sleep, they merely avoid life between rampages. And this guy, well, he's gonna wish he'd avoided life a bit longer because when he…

Living on Non-Skid Row

848848 views33 comments22 favs

Here’s the local group of grumpy gray-haired men Chewing over politics as if it’s important As if their endless discussing of it, Waving their hands in the air, gesturing, Is going to change the world How do these guys stop from having heart a

Lost Poems

848848 views11 comment11 fav

The ride home after Basketball and a little beer; That's when the best poems happen. Poems pin-prick sharp Puncturing through dulled Senses while streetlamps pass Overhead. They find their way inside you But they don't stick. Poems left back somewhere On the…

Ben Clarone: Prologue Part 3

848848 views22 comments22 favs

The urban-abused Chevy looked older than its seven years.

Luminous Nights, 8

848848 views22 comments00 favs

Overnight Robbie had lost his youth. But since he was still only nine and his arm looked like a nine-year-old's arm, people didn't notice much at first, until he tried running. Or if he was introduced, and they went to shake his hand. He immediately lea

Buena Vista Street

848848 views1212 comments77 favs

Nostalgia is when memories turn into Gods of knowing who you were.

The Right to Privacy

847847 views11 comment00 favs

Every day, I come home from work and hear you two screaming next door, breaking dishes and furniture and sometimes each other while your toddler wails. And if I can't drown it out with the TV and a beer, I stuff in the earbuds and crank up the iPod, too. That way, I…