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red lights alone

947947 views55 comments55 favs

before five/glancing down Academy Street/sloping west to where the tracks crossed/twisted tangled metal on wheels.

a girl's mane

947947 views22 comments11 fav

Wild bore the wind down on me, coming out of the heavens that turned around the stars of the evening. The longing and the appetite at work in the body, all tickling to open a girl’s mane, gaping, health-giving crossroads to the body. Hail and farewell t

The Dead in Paris, Parts 5 and 6

947947 views55 comments55 favs

The virgins smirk / // We got medieval on their asses

Hey, Boys, Bandits!

947947 views66 comments11 fav

I remember one time that summer I was with you (1964) going to a bar in maybe it was Melrose Park, or Northlake, or somewhere along Roosevelt Road closer to Chicago, not as far as Cicero though. I went there with a crazy gear-head named Roger Hudson, wh

Going Along for the Ride

947947 views11 comment11 fav

You could hear her coming from a long way off like she kept trying to catch her breath, like she was getting the fun rattled out of her bones. But it was laughter, always laughter that kept on filling up her belly from the inside and she was

Village of Humans

947947 views00 comments00 favs

It must have been then and in those days and during that time when the grass and short brush, like so much amber and jade, emerged from the snow and the poet Li Po, who while traveling within the ten thousand crags of the Tanggula Mountains, looked up…

My Fuji Red Banannanana

947947 views55 comments33 favs

She had some fascinatingif incongruoustwins of swing hips.Her eyes made me thinkof opium densof fast women without a twitch,the sweet despair of gentlemen loserswith their 19th centuryhandbooks of moralityand witchcraft. But she only wanted mefor my Fuji Red…

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 6

947947 views33 comments22 favs

Frank met Angelique Brody on the street in front of his building.


947947 views11 comment11 fav

a wingover a dark sealooking up from what you're doingwhat you're not doinglooking upseeing what I don't seeor the same thingalteredwhen I was eightI cut my foot on a sea shellblood is red sea waterput a shell to your earyou'll hear your own bloodhowling in the night…

in that time

947947 views66 comments33 favs

in that time people had gone away and i waited in the inside and looked out on balconies. the ending of the dusk was coming and the details of the railings and brick, the tree branches holding purple plums, the stacked railway ties and a thousand other details became…

People of Walmart

947947 views77 comments66 favs

You look at me with that contemptuous smirk while I'm here in Walmart dressed in sweats and house slippers, sloppy, a bit fat, trying to figure out which electric toothbrush to buy.

Core Values

947947 views77 comments77 favs

Over dinner last evening she said things have to change because she can never be happy with our lives being so concentric and I knew she meant that while we share the common core of marriage, she felt she was a small circle and I was a larger one, enveloping her,…

The Broken

946946 views11 comment00 favs

A precious heart unfolding the joy within Carefree play marked footsteps skipping along the way Such wonders untold awaiting a time of promise Stilled in the night by a grasping hand Held down in silence fear feeds off this soul Marking its to

Boys With Antlers, Girls With Wings

946946 views11 comment11 fav

Now that you can go to a body shop and get nearly any mod you can imagine printed and attached in about an hour, every cracker-ass redneck is sporting a twelve-point rack...

Uncanny Valley, Goodbye

946946 views00 comments00 favs

When not enough is left to utterThe syllables it takes to say,Goodbye--Disassembled and developed,Laid upon the ground,Like the girded gridlockOn your smog befitted brow...Goodbye.And what if I said, hello?What if I said, good day?Would it change your sunken bodyAnd repair…

Mickey and Harriet

946946 views11 comment00 favs

Ellie's got two parrots. She owns the house down the block to the left where the golf club owner fixes her grounds and garage because he can't stop working on his vacation. …


946946 views22 comments00 favs

When I was nine years old, I fell through the rotting boards that covered my grandmother's cesspool and nearly drowned.

Darkness On My Mind

946946 views22 comments00 favs

Darkness on my mind doesn't make me blind.


946946 views77 comments00 favs

Jessica's face was so close to mine I had to focus on her left eyeball to keep my eyes from crossing.


946946 views11 comment00 favs

I wake up in the back of my car, sleeping amongst the junk and a steel trolley I had used to help someone move house. I feel for the door handle to let some of the cold, grey morning air in. I gingerly step out onto the pavement and my leg gives way as a cocktail…

Heads or Tails

946946 views44 comments44 favs

The man next door came over with a pitchfork.

Domestic Sketches

946946 views55 comments33 favs

The cats sniff at the small opening,/ one by one, in a furtive casualness./ They think the outside air is sweet

Last Visit to Mauritius Island

946946 views11 comment00 favs

So I threw away all my stuff, because I was tired of it, and because I decided I wanted to revive the Oral Tradition. I figured if it was good enough for our ancestors, it couldn't be all that bad, not that I’m really into history or cultural stagnancy o

Sometimes the bear eats you...

946946 views22 comments11 fav

...something darkly malevolent looming above him...


946946 views88 comments44 favs

These days, you seem to disappear like bread tasted and devoured

Of Alleys & Ivory

946946 views22 comments11 fav

“You think it’s a self-castrating suicide note or a self-righteous freedom speech?” “Probably just the ramblings of a madman, pissed he lost a company baseball game.” “Fuckin-A, Pete! Double-murder suicide for a baseball game? Ain’t nobody that craz

Airport Hotel

946946 views44 comments00 favs

We construct what we want, from what has failed in the past. We thought this worked. The picture was buzzing for me and I tried to hold on. I went blindly forward.

Ordinary Fruit

946946 views88 comments88 favs

I was insufficiently abused as a child.


946946 views55 comments22 favs

there was the place where the large turtles had their eggs, and it was always a concern because everyone wanted the new turtles to make it back to the sea but the electric lights of high wattage along with sounds from the roadways beyond were in one…

The Managers

946946 views44 comments44 favs

The Managers are always to be found in twos or threes, lumbering greyly.——If you pass the Managers in a corridor it's a good idea to say hello. They will probably return your greeting, as best they can.——The Managers conduct meetings. They sit at the…