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Darryl, The Biography

10081008 views55 comments55 favs

"I was born very far from where I'm supposed to be. And so I'm on my way home."--Bob Dylan I don't owe you anything. If I'm a recluse what does it have to do with you? I have the right to be poor. Some things cannot be explained away by letters that…


10081008 views66 comments66 favs

They shoot up through the soles of their feet once the veins in their arms are all used up. They shoot up in their necks like the cows on the African Savannah

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10081008 views11 comment00 favs

Will Your Relationship Survive the Holidays?

10081008 views22 comments11 fav

For eight years I have been living with a man named Darren Fletcher, who I will refer to as “Bud” to preserve his anonymity.

My Insides Are Made Of Water

10081008 views00 comments00 favs

I am the ocean. My soulless organs live in all of its motionless movement. I am the low. The high. The in between. I am nothing. Back and forth, I simply float along: existing, rising, and then falling into a life that can be considered one big decision left…

My Flying Debris

10081008 views44 comments44 favs

a book of 5 poem-like things I made out of silly string and shot your way when you weren't exactly looking "..kisses are a far better fate/than wisdom."--E.E.CummingsContents:1.The Day's Thin Blue Swim-Suit2. The One Who Needed Let In Most3. I…

Literal-Minded Parents Seek Irony-Free School Zones

10081008 views22 comments00 favs

“I don't cotton much to some of the johnnie-come-lately's we get around here,” says Graham Buchter. “They're a bunch of talkers—they wear me out.”

washing in the dawn

10081008 views22 comments11 fav

Here and there a few bits of beauty, with the highest respect, reverence, erect with pride. Almost twice a thousand dawns, ten thousand in intimacy, the breasts, the nipples, means of the world to nourish itself, by the intimate bay. It's almost pun

Deal Me Out

10081008 views22 comments00 favs

Vegas is turning out to be my kind of town. Easy money, free booze, and everyone is too overstimulated to realize I’m broadcasting right into their noggins.


10081008 views33 comments00 favs

Frank cut the tip of his finger off and it sort of shot over to the lettuce bin. The blood pumped out in tiny jets as he covered it with the palm of his other hand and ran to the sink. He pointed it in the sink and turned the water on, he could see…

Playing for Keeps

10081008 views88 comments66 favs

I woke like an animal / breeding thoughts like flies

Dixon Ticonderoga - 2 5/10 medium

10081008 views00 comments00 favs

gotta love a pencil

The Devil Line is a Violin (ELECTRIC DELIRIUM 1.1)

10081008 views00 comments00 favs

Rosea plays a bohemian plainsong for the cosmonauts among us, while her fuzzy apple hips spit glitter, spin strobes: pink shades of pantyline flicker; lip-licked neon hues scrape strings in B sharp, a gloomy clue.

In This, Our Life

10081008 views1515 comments55 favs

Her captors allowed her the use of the toes of one foot. It was hard to pretend she was numb—as if playing an artic game indoors. With the ball of her foot, she primed the canvas. Her big toe acted as a fan brush, the rest were sable, flat, or pointy. She told…

Missing Her

10081008 views77 comments66 favs

When the teacher was out of the room Myron pretended to play with himself, saying, “down boy” and smiling to the nervous gasping and fake coughs from the other classmates and, since he's my close friend, I think he does silly stuff like this to contend with…

The Magic Trumpet

10081008 views22 comments22 favs

I gave my trumpet case to a girl named Sophie; she liked the velvet inside.She still played with dolls;they would live there,in the dark away from the world.Safe. I was a terrible trumpeter;i missed the high notes in band, squawked like a chicken.I strapped the trumpeton my…

The Family Tradition

10081008 views00 comments00 favs

Your father, his father, and his before that, your mother, her mother, and all the way back have kept a tradition by chance or by will to each have a baby (or several) until…

New Kid

10071007 views66 comments66 favs

Wild are the woods tucked in the backyards, tame the front lawns of green, manicured, with a hedge and a few flowers, a well-maintained driveway, and a garage door.


10071007 views22 comments22 favs

The next morning Grandpa said the body was gone, no one explained to him the situation, when he asked about her they all simply said, “Scarltanua”.


10071007 views1414 comments88 favs

Even music relies on what/ you know as music/ for its power to enthrall.

On an Iceberg of Words

10071007 views88 comments66 favs

She cut me adrift On an iceberg of words And words melt As you know Looks like we may have Gone out on the limb A little too far without A toe-hold on Reality Doesn’t it? But I saw the headlines: Cows Bound for Slaughterhouse Make

Josef, Boy from Brazil

10071007 views55 comments00 favs

I noticed his pistol before his pissbag and I knew then that failure not only had a face but a balding head, too


10071007 views44 comments33 favs

You were a mine field


10071007 views11 comment11 fav

A rose and two dollars. Where did they come from? I didn't know anyone who had visited my parents' grave recently, yet that evening I saw a white rose on my mother's side and two bucks on my father's. I took the money and placed my own flowers with the rose. It had to have…

Day Off Work

10071007 views99 comments44 favs

My time glass allocation nears its end.


10071007 views44 comments44 favs

Here’s to flesh:

Hold on

10071007 views11 comment22 favs

I slept and it was pleasant. Then there was the kiss, and it was hot. Later you turned away, and all was November chill. Now there are touches, caresses and shouts, Marvelous nights flavored with favors bestowed, and blackened days,…

Authenticity in a Time of Consolidation

10071007 views1919 comments1111 favs

Culture gives what it feels you deserve/ in the cul-de-sac of your time and place.


10071007 views1212 comments88 favs

We suffer// the one agony only- of having no longer/ any physical effect nor way to speak/ of what we watch to those we watch.

Your Guide to a WASP Bar Mitzvah

10071007 views66 comments00 favs

“The first thing you must remember,” Polly tells the Levensons, “is that every penny you spend on your guests is that much less you can spend on your horses.”