Hello floaty word man
suspended in smoke
chortling coughing with collapsing colon
spraying sounds into the day
making it night and ending the line
the advantage of hip -hop over poetry:
battles and
BEATS, of course
head-knockin' sounds
you'll gain a few pounds
in gold chains and pistol rounds
the one thing we all have in common
Is that our days will end, inevitably
we KNOW NOT how
or when or why
we just die
and they pack us away
under the earth
then maybe born again
as a beetle, a flower, or a fucking elephant
To be an elephant
roaming the edge of the Sahel
munching on plants and trees
Big as all get out
not even bears would step to us
we'd communicate by tapping trunks
and thromping weeds with our hind legs
fears nothing
and therefore faces his doom
with dignity, awe, and recognition
The awed elephant
looks to the blue sky
and spots an airplane
ripping a cloud trail
he points to the nearest cloud
and whispers to the plane's pilot:
“Be not afraid and approach the cloud
'tis golden body is decorated with fluff
and teensy silver linings”
So the plane shifts course in a jolt
as the cloud opens like lady legs
letting the plane into her glistening
golden glades & caverns
The elephant dies
and joins the pilot
in the golden palace
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A poem about reincarnation and a bunch of other shit
Delightful, playful fantasy. *
Interesting transformations throughout.