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Vampires Suck

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The little clapboard church sits stiffly in the sun. It's steeple marking time with it's shadow on the sidewalk. It is the last place most people would think to look for a vampire, but I am sure that one is in there. Contrary to popular opinion, there

Picnic Jugs

10761076 views99 comments55 favs

The car was a two-tone black and white Chevy...

Alien Girl

10761076 views55 comments44 favs

You are different. They are not sure what to make of it. Your r’s roll out too easily.

Winter Paints Nelson County

10761076 views33 comments11 fav

It was more than just taste/ more than a point of view/ and oil and pigment/ that painted a store front church/ a box with a cross in a vacant lot/ that welcomed desperation, faith/ and imagination.

A Funeral for Eddie Moon

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‘It's perfect,' said Maggie as she lay in the casket. Harold Barnes offered his hand. ‘It's a shame he never got to see it,' Maggie continued as she climbed free of the coffin.


10761076 views33 comments33 favs

a perfect afternoon

July 16

10761076 views55 comments44 favs

Last night as a duration spent hovering in electronic media-space.

20th Century Boy

10761076 views33 comments11 fav

The night I screamed you out of my life for good, I fed your confettied photo to swirling toilet, a ticker tape parade and dead fish burial rolled into one. Later I found the box, a jiffy…

Run For Your Life

10761076 views00 comments00 favs

It was where the “Suits” worked. I didn’t want to go there, I didn’t want to be there, but in those days one did what one was supposed to do.

The Bird King's employees

10761076 views55 comments44 favs

The Bird King's advisors and ministers are a range of rusty kitchen utensils. They all observe a respectful silence in his presence.——Contrary to popular belief, the Bird King is not an atheist. His meathook priests do their rounds at twilight.——The…

It is Easier Than You Think To Ride A Train: The Q & A

10761076 views44 comments22 favs

Q:What made you want to be a person who rides a train? A:As soon as I learned there was such a thing, I wanted to be one.

Poet's Offer to Help Grieving Goes Unheeded

10761076 views22 comments22 favs

Remembering you is easy We do it every day, When little Mike and Joey Ask when the hell is Daddy ever coming home to play?

The Stars in Illinois

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Only early June, but the heat feels like August. Eleanor and Shelby sit on the front steps of the old Victorian-style house in downtown Los Angeles, drinking homemade margaritas and watching the daylight drain away to dusk. Shelby slaps a mosquito away fr

Wild Origin

10751075 views55 comments33 favs

Seeking your will, instead we found, somehow, a clutch of our own documents; folded under a rubber band gone to rot, muddy strands nestled in the creases.

Physics 101

10751075 views55 comments44 favs

The cellar smelled like an aroused muskrat.

How To Find A Galaxy In The Dark

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I don't know what I'd expected from the week of mourning after my mother died but I sure hadn't pictured this marathon cocktail party. Our house is packed with people, food, booze and borrowed chairs. People I haven't seen in years keep turning up with casseroles.I'm…

Uncle Ned

10751075 views44 comments22 favs

There was this old guy named Ned. He swept floors. No one knew much about him. He'd been around for years sweeping the concrete floors of the hangar-sized buildings that housed the major mechanical service departments at an old amusement park.

One Black Wheel

10751075 views44 comments44 favs

"..squeezing her eyes and mouth tightly."


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Before I grew used to it I would wake to the sound of the Amtrak whistle echoing down along the tracks behind our trailer park and wonder who was hurtling where through the dark night and across this wide Illinois prairie

What's that on your glasses?

10751075 views33 comments33 favs

The shit just doesn't want to come off.

Dashboard Jesus

10751075 views99 comments33 favs

When I first started this, a few months ago, I was timid about looking people in the eye.

Cat Woman Sexy #9

10751075 views99 comments55 favs

He kept saying how my old scars excited him to new truths

I've Seen Way Too Often

10751075 views66 comments55 favs

how the world is constantlyrevolving her mirroredorbs around the roomlooking for someone tohypnotize, a goddesshell-bent on catching agoon to mortal with; andas you lie from behindyourself so shall she lie withyou. Now, do you reallywant my answer to…

Frankenstein (In Three Sentences)

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I made a man of men. He made a man of me, the way all men are finished, in tragedy and sorrow. Together, we make a story, for other men, brothers and sisters.


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"My Chi felt stimulated."

And so, like a kind of molting

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So for now, let the snow fall, but let it fall gently, each flake as a soft piano note

for my part

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I fear osiris with his feather rising to meet the raven in mid-air they will turn to look at me decide if I go through the door of no return into fierce landscape on my knees I will crumple into the foetal…

I Was a Cat Once

10751075 views33 comments00 favs

This is a 50-word story.

Charlie's Travels

10751075 views1010 comments77 favs

Charlie Hancock missed the bus. Started walking.

Rhapsody in the Rain

10751075 views66 comments33 favs

so many bills to pay the list keeps shedding its skin like a snake