allison gaudet yarrow

Location brooklyn
Occupation writer, journalist

Why do you write?

its like being an addict of any kind. slogging along, chasing that last feeling you had when the words you put together made something meaningful, maybe lasting, and if not that then just something that made you proud. those rare moments are some of the best ones, as far as moments go.

allison gaudet yarrow's Wall

Bill Yarrow – Aug 20, 2010

Thanks for commenting on "Self Alaska," Allison. I look forward to reading your work.

allison gaudet yarrow – Aug 20, 2010

thanks, everyone. happy to be here.

Bill Yarrow – Jun 27, 2010

Hi, Allison! (Attach a picture when you can.) I look forward to seeing some of your work.

Robert Vaughan – Jun 26, 2010

Welcome, Allison! Hope you enjoy Fictionaut!

JM Prescott – Jun 22, 2010

Welcome Allison.

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