by Bill Yarrow
He's looking at Euclid
but he can't concentrate
The noise of Bakersfield cicadas is invading his ears
He's looking at Euclid
but he can't concentrate
Hoboken memories are marching into his mind
He's looking at Euclid
but he can't concentrate
Far East anise is stuck between his teeth
He's looking at Euclid
but he can't concentrate
The elevated smell of Delphi is seeping into his nose
He's looking at Euclid
but he can't concentrate
A Catalan fishing boat is sailing into his eyes
He's looking at Euclid
Meanwhile, the sandstorm of time
keeps polishing the geometry of space
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94 words
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A version of this poem appeared in Magma 47 (print mag) guest edited by Annie Freud.
The poem appears in Pointed Sentences (BlazeVOX, 2012).
Love both the form and the content, Bill. I especially love the punny title.*
I love the rhythm... there's a beating.
I liked this a lot, Bill, enjoyed the sound play of "Bakersfield Cicadas" and "Far East anise," ( really clever, that.)
Whoa. What an ending! Love the form, the matching rhythms of the verses, and then the purity of the poetry at the end. Big fav.
brilliant from start to finish
Great closer!
keep those Hoboken memories.
I really like how you crafted this one, Bill. I like the lines:
"Far East anise..." and
"sandstorm of time"
But I kinda got stcuk on "geometry of space", but with some thought, I think I can see what you were going for. *
I was thinking as I read this, "Μη μου τους κύκλους τάραττε" but that was another Greek altogether, wasn't it ...
Still, Archimedes wouldn't have given you that great line, "Here's looking at Eu ...clid." But wait, you didn't say that. Forget I made a Bogart pun.
Fave, absolutely .. no theorem required.
yes, you did .. the title .. hah. punster
Great tone and form, Bill. Nicely done. I like.
Great title. Musically rhythmic form. Sensual distractions. Even Ptolemy had a problem learning geometry from Euclid and he asked if there wasn't an easier way. Finally, geometry has become more analytical. Yet many distractions still remain.
love this
love saying "Euclid"
great in mouth
i JUST NOW got it
oh my gawd
i really AM a native Texan
(re: title)
Like the pun, the geometry and space!
Freaking cool. :)
Love this poem!!
Love the repetition here, the rhythm. The title pun is awesome too. Very Bill, which is very good. *
I agree with, Jim!! The rhythm is moving through this and that title is outstanding!!! Love your work, Bill! *****
Fine arrangment of choice words. Nicely done, Bill!
I have lived this experience of being somewhere in-body but somewhere else in-mind. Also, I love the abstraction in the last stanza. It seems to make this experience seem as unavoidable as gravity or time itself. *
The form produces an excellent rhythm. Nice work, Bill.
"Meanwhile, the sandstorm of time keeps polishing the geometry of space..."
This line made me forgive the title.
somehow, i can feel this poem from the inside. perhaps it's the euclid (i've been trying to concentrate on him, too) or perhaps it's the gathering of places like people.
I was hoping the pun would be continued in the poem--Bogie looking at Bacall, while they proved a theorem. But it's satisfying as it is. Thanks.
Good poem
This one deserved a fav on the title alone! I love it!
Love it, especially the last two stanzas. The line "A Catalan fishing boat is sailing into his eyes" is super interesting.
I love the dreaminess of this poem - not being able to 'concentrate.' It really is a lovely examination of distraction and, possibly, desire.
Never mind Euclid when you've got Bakersfield cicadas! This is marvelous.
Great wordplay in the title...
the rest did not disappoint.