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A Love Letter of a Cannibal

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Dear Butterfly, Are you there ? Wherever there is ? Are you there, crossing your feet on top of each other, sipping your coffee while observing the sky from behind those cat-eye glasses of yours ? 3 days, 8 months and 11 years. That's exactly how long since the last time…

When Birds Do Not Fly

11031103 views44 comments44 favs

The last chick in the nest

Clear Cut

11031103 views55 comments44 favs

John held up his pistol and racked the slide to chamber a round. He told me that he knew a few things. He knew I'd knocked up Nikki. His girl. He knew I'd taken Nikki to the free clinic in Gresham. He knew I wasn't…

Candle Illumination

11031103 views00 comments00 favs

Mint upon my palate, I rub sleep infused eyes and crawl under the covers. Oh blessed sleep, please descend upon this body and transverse this fatigue. Eyes closed, bring a wavering blackness upon subtle lids. The conversation begins…

candy crush

11031103 views33 comments33 favs

1. we got off at the same stop. you approached me as i walked towards the stairs. i saw you looking at me, you said. i wasn't. i was looking at your magazine's cover. i don't remember what i said. i wanted to explore how to exist as myself however i wanted. i wanted to get…

Sowers of Nothing (ELECTRIC DELIRIUM 1.2)

11031103 views00 comments00 favs

We dig up conscience-tunnels, pluck the play-flower of present choice for fun, run aground, past this dimly lit, though not to be underestimated, stage, and open door upon empty door, to nothing, for the lights are a pulse flickering in the perceptual per

Who's There?

11031103 views33 comments11 fav

The old man sat in the run-down shack, nursing his lobol-weed tea, and cursing the bitter cold wind outside.


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What follows is one of those moments, though to some people, it would seem a fantasy, perhaps a "Wizard of Oz" era tale.

The Duplicate

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For weeks they used every medium to say: This day will be an end or a beginning.

After Prometheus

11031103 views1111 comments66 favs

His method is simple...

Last Token of the New York Doll

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I took four of them, and put on “Heroin” by the Velvet Underground, and sat in the bathtub, filling it with warm water. Submerging myself, I watched the water level dance in front of me, listening to Lou Reed wail, dragging him under the water level.


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As a rule, she calls me whenever she’s waiting for her train or bus. ‘Hiya… How’s life-’ she starts off sweetly. Even though I should know better by now, I can only respond in the same old way. I’ll say: ‘Hi Kate!’. Next, I’ll try to te

Manliness!! *urp*

11031103 views77 comments44 favs

It starts on the Fallopian Speedway

Hollywood Forever

11031103 views55 comments44 favs

Johnny and Dee Dee Ramone crack open an Old Bushmill’s and offer John Huston a pull.

Something for Seniors

11031103 views1111 comments99 favs

For Sale: Clean Depends, Never Worn


11021102 views66 comments22 favs

Your brother is not really blind.

Laughing All The Way To The 2020 Election

11021102 views55 comments44 favs

After President Trump was elected, my first impulse was to spend the next four years cowering under the bed, whimpering.While I knew that I needed to keep track of what our new commander in chief was up to, watching the news made me too angry and too sad and just too…


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The Kid, The Executive, The Doctor, and The Actress.

Make Not Thy Head a Grave

11021102 views88 comments55 favs

the emergence of the Beatles and the Vietnam War sad human electricity no buzz of any wheel

Sacrifice on Maple Drive

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Sacrificial vic bleeds out . . .

4. After the kiss

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I could still feel you like horseradish / in the hairs in the back / of my nose

//i look beneath your skin:

11021102 views66 comments44 favs

x ≥ ponds rise beyond where you & i have stood

His Name is Chaos

11021102 views00 comments00 favs

Should probably be faster at the cash register

Why We Need To Keep Writing

11021102 views66 comments44 favs

We need to keep writing because the great ones aren’t always that great We need to keep writing to insure that the future even has a future We need to keep writing because the wind won’t know how or when to listen if we don’t

Possible Candidates for Reading to a Crowd

11021102 views99 comments55 favs

"Possible candidates for reading to a crowd" the subject line of the email to myself read. You see, writing can be hard - or writing can be easy. But writing for a crowd you'll see is something else entirely.

Sam in Fragments

11021102 views66 comments44 favs

He injected her with a sedative to keep her still. He projected himself into her narcotic dream, a small bar with tango playing from a jukebox. They were dancing.

Man-Bomb (excerpt from a Bromance in progress)

11021102 views11 comment11 fav

The crowd- which consisted of exclusively men with beards and djembe drums and women with hairly legs poking out of corduroy patchwork skirts- cowered and crawled in fear around the angry man-bomb, mortally frightened yet encouraged to shimmy because the

Every Thing is a Hole in a Thing That It Is Not (A Theoretical Fiction)

11021102 views44 comments22 favs

A is a hole in the series of letters, each of which is also a hole in the series of letters.


11021102 views22 comments33 favs

Me sad because of results set forth in my life story.

Anxieties of Absence

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On beach trips with our families, there were bumper cars, jet skis; flash enjoyments, beach-themed distractions.