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Postcard from Shambhala

11351135 views33 comments22 favs

Dearest Z— There is no way to describe this place. It is a pendulum, caught at mid-swing or maybe just a millimeter on the up side. It is a sense of sweeping, a cleanness. Distant clouds remind me of the day we took the train and the mountains acted petulantly,…

Hermano Sandwich

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His mouth smiled but his icy eyes did not. "You like it?," he asked with a thin deflated voice. "Old family recipe. Enjoy."

Scratching into January, 2017

11351135 views1414 comments77 favs

Follow the money. It seeks/ the lowest of the low and finds them here/ in an embarrassing abundance.

Every Time a Bell Rings

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I could feel the old house skulking in the shadows. In the basement I used to play in the dark, shine a flashlight on the angular black widows creeping in the corners, feed them ants and silverfish and flies with the wings pulled off so the web wouldn’

Geneviève's Voice

11351135 views55 comments22 favs

Maybe this very short story is about shyness. Maybe. I'm not sure.

Some Pianos

11351135 views1010 comments66 favs

We bought a grand piano at Steinway Hall after 9/11, chased uptown by the dust of death and awakening from dreams of miniature jumpers stuck in the icing of white wedding cakes

Juan Looking Good

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Juan’s tío, Richard, who works for the city and is the kind of Mexican who thinks he isn’t, took care of the lawyer. Juan checks himself in the mirror, didn’t know how good dressing fancy would feel.

A Thousand Miles Away

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In the house by a kidney-shaped lake, her grandfather was speaking to a stranger about a foreign war that had never ended, had spread close to home.

Meaning of Life # 18

11351135 views33 comments33 favs

To hell with the moon!

Love apathy

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I smell it, it smells/Of giggles and leg shaking

The Weather in Paradise

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I immediately felt anxious guilt, being the one responsible for opening the way for infection.

The Court of the Vassal

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“I believe this is a case that is very much worth our time. Its probably the most important case thus far in your reign,” Henry said, “my lord.”

Nope - song

11341134 views55 comments33 favs

The tax man he is coming But I got me no dough Been looking for some new job That’s going really slow I bought a lottery ticket But dropped it down the well I went to see the psychic She said I’d go to hell Can’t cope, I just can’t cope

Pink Lipstick & Cigarette Machines

11341134 views66 comments33 favs

It was that pink lipstick found on the end of that brown filter yeah, think it was an Old Gold

Sparks Beneath the Surface

11341134 views2323 comments1010 favs

If I should wake/ before I die,/ just shoot me through/ the one good eye.

Ballad of a Traffic Light

11341134 views55 comments55 favs

I am a buttress against chaos. And now I am turning yellow.

This Land is My Land

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Niggers and spics, kikes and Micks (don't forget the krauts and deggos, too) live on land that belongs to you. If your skin is red, you're better off dead than deal with this sordid affair. No one told you caveat venditor, “Let the seller beware.”…

Bad Listener

11341134 views44 comments11 fav

Sunday afternoon was the best. The kids drew straws for a chance to sit on the stool in the Kitchen with the broken armrest. I think mom thought it was an antique but it was just a piece of shit her dad picked up second hand.

The Old Man and The Lawyer

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As the jughead turned with a humph the old man muttered, "what a jerk." The jughead spun around and glared at the young black man and said, "Did you say that?" The old man laughed, raised his hand, looked up at the jughead and said, "I did." The jughead t

An Advent Cookie's Rumination

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The sugar cookie sits on the cold counter. Alone. He is cut in the shape of an angel, a fact which often causes him to contemplate the possibility that he may not be a cookie at all, but an angel. Who says he couldn’t be?


11341134 views55 comments66 favs

You say you want a resolution Well, I got one Let's start with nothing at all No logic, no war, no whiskey or bombs

Pain as Mnemonic Device

11341134 views77 comments77 favs

If something hurts enough/ you never forget it. Like the// toothache when you first learned


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A needle passed through my lungs. My breathing made the needle pierce deeper. I felt anger rise up within me but I determined not to cry. – I had cried enough. No more tears. Arossi looked at me, probably expecting me to cry. I didn’t

Memory Loss, or Shitty Stand Ins

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Do not listen to Christmas music out of season. Unless of course you want to ruin Christmas music. Forever.

Cassie Fly

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...the relatives didn't seem nearly as fucked up as she thought they would be considering...

Come to the Park

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Come to the park and swing with me, sing with me.


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He is poised erect before me. I take pleasure in soft skin that does not betray the strength of his cock, firm and yet vulnerable beneath my fingertips. With my hands, I coax him to his full length, girth. Tonight I ignore the heat of my Delta and bow my head in worship…

Grunion Fishing

11331133 views77 comments77 favs

As spilled on a sandy Corona del Mar beach/both in moonlight and starlight so lovely/and strangely sad as if receding still


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One of her favorites was of an old axe asleep on a desert floor. She told people the axe had the western lips of September. That it held the song of the ocean and the dreams of a scarecrow. Some thought she was mad to talk in such a way. Others believed h


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I wonder how many crumbs he can drop to make a cookie, whole, so I can relax a little and throw out the self help books about how I'm not right in the motherfucking head,