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Snatch 7 (come 11)

11811181 views88 comments66 favs

...the scream and the face...

Four Quarters for a Dollar Moon

11801180 views22 comments22 favs

There's a large tunnel that runs under my house. I can only estimate but it's not deep below the ground and that's what worries me.

Call Me

11801180 views22 comments22 favs

I'm living where I've always lived, in Georgia.

Dog Years

11801180 views1212 comments1010 favs

Already my back aches

Gipetto's Sin

11801180 views22 comments00 favs

The boy grew frightened when his grainy wooden skin began to melt, every fiber humming and softening.


11801180 views33 comments11 fav

He wiped it with a damp cloth. He set it in a glazed clay pot next to the sofa and admired its scrawny handsomeness.

The Purple Prose of Cario

11801180 views33 comments33 favs

I contemplate the words that did not make it; the lost ones. The words deprived of their moment in the sun. These words. These words that are not part of the story.

Same Trailer, Different Park

11801180 views77 comments77 favs

Suddenly everything is delaminating People are popping right off the surface of humanity I am coming loose from my previous lives

"Beautiful Boy! I am doomed"

11801180 views22 comments22 favs

Beautiful boy! I am doomed / to have attended your presence; / time consumes us, but you / have changed so little...


11801180 views44 comments22 favs

eleven seconds of infamy / brought to you by Glenfidditch /who the hell filmed this?

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 24

11801180 views88 comments55 favs

When Frank entered Michiko’s apartment, Michiko was not there.

Can Bone-Munching Zombie Worms Help Fight Childhood Obesity?

11801180 views11 comment11 fav

President Kennedy’s national physical fitness program tried to reverse the incoming tide of obesity, but for many it was too late.

Letter to a Lost Friend

11801180 views77 comments66 favs

I keep attempting to start a correspondence with people / but they end up not being interested in me, / either that or I scare them away / because I usually begin with: / “Well, my favorite philosopher is Hegel..."


11801180 views33 comments11 fav

It's always dark. You catch me by the wrist just as the ferris wheel starts up again and pull my shoulder out of its socket towards you. I resist, feigning hatred and pain, but I don't feel anything except your hand on my arm hot and scalding lighting my skin, a…


11801180 views66 comments55 favs

Barkety bark

A Little Idea

11801180 views22 comments22 favs

I have reasons to believe she’s been stealing.“ “Stealing what?” “Steaks.” “Steaks?”

He Doesn't Poke Her Any More

11801180 views55 comments44 favs

It was over.

Driving Lesson

11801180 views66 comments77 favs

Just take the mountain curves as tightly to the inside and as fast as surface conditions permit and the road’s edge


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Seven Forever

11801180 views77 comments77 favs

It was my fault.

Root in a Bottle

11801180 views22 comments11 fav

He had expected more -- at least his grandfather's classic Packard touring car.

The Alarm

11801180 views00 comments00 favs

Harris Tobiasharristob@gmail.comThe Alarm A terrible clanging in the middle of the night roused me from my bed. I put on some clothes and hurried into the street there to mingle with my bleary eyed neighbors. At first we thought it was a fire but there was…

Hardware Store Tour

11801180 views1515 comments1010 favs

The Plaza had a chess-board floor, green wood booths, and the lights stayed up. I might be combining a memory of Fitzie's in Binghamton. The Plaza felt like a preppy soda fountain with beer.

Hands Like White Porcelain

11801180 views1818 comments88 favs

Jesus is for sale. But he’s heavy.

Girl Friends

11801180 views00 comments00 favs

Two women grab a table near a window in a coffee shop. Outside, the sky is the color of dulled aluminum. It is early spring and pollen assaults the air with a tint of sulfur.

The Assistant

11801180 views66 comments33 favs

The Assistant is lost again in a grid city. Again she feels disconnected from the world. Where she is the sound has been switched off.

Me. No, you. No, me.

11801180 views1111 comments44 favs

Sunset swoony love waves crash over me and I forget why I didn’t say yes sooner

just like James Taylor

11791179 views1313 comments44 favs

tell me about the time you lived in Carolina, and what my smile does for you.

Walking on Water

11791179 views1010 comments88 favs

After his chemotherapy failed, he went water skiing.

A Speck of Light

11791179 views33 comments33 favs

That’s true, you know, what they said about the drummer and spontaneous combustion.