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Losing Found Things

20502050 views1111 comments66 favs

Last-minute women notice me and latch on, converging in narcotized spirals, old sunflowers twisting towards a fake light. Ugly, used up people, turning like dirty snow, terrified of facing the sunlight alone, of the hour long drunken drive home.


20492049 views3636 comments1616 favs

We sat under the broken umbrella, its flowered fabric hanging limp on one side. The rain fell softly at the edges of our backs. I kissed his hand, the one without fingers (not a casualty of his job, only of birth). My lips pressed what I couldn't say into his…

dozen haiku more

20482048 views1212 comments1212 favs

tonight's sky is full:/each lunatic to his moon/sings separate songs.

The King's Largesse

20482048 views99 comments77 favs

This little town lost its mill...

HUSBAND (opening door & shouting): 'Hon . . . WHAT'S FOR DINNER?'

20482048 views11 comment11 fav

WIFE (calling back from kitchen): "Dick Cheney's penis!"

The Boundary Line

20472047 views22 comments22 favs

These things were indeed the wealth of our respective nations.

A Swallow of Cola

20462046 views2121 comments66 favs

"... he likes the hair starting to grow under my arms and he likes the smell there when my deodorant is wearing off. "

A Felinist Critique of Macbeth

20442044 views66 comments22 favs

Lady Macbeth goes around moaning “out, out damned spot,” when a well-placed lick would have solved the problem immediately, with no unnecessary and heavy-handed dialogue. Once again, clumsy work.


20442044 views3030 comments2121 favs

"My mother loses patience when I get sad," I said. "She tells me about the dog."

2 empty pipes rattling with passion

20422042 views2525 comments2121 favs

i could make swamp boys believe / under dust-sheets stiffened by ice

The Look

20412041 views3939 comments2929 favs

He looks in silence and he looks with longing.

Milk For Free

20392039 views2121 comments1414 favs

The last time she wore fur-lined gloves...

Voltaire Drinks Thirty Cups of Coffee

20392039 views77 comments55 favs

Voltaire drinks his coffee standing up in front of the microwave and he likes to hold one hand on his chest where his heart is while he drinks. He likes to feel his heartbeat quicken and then he imagines that he is a machine or something mechanical.

Deep Pockets

20392039 views1111 comments99 favs

Garage-sale variety olive-green corduroy, elbow patches, hems too short. His jacket pocket produced answers one afternoon like strips of paper from cracked fortune cookies.


20392039 views22 comments11 fav

Chusma de la Calle had the most beautiful scarves. Gentle, warm sheaths of silk she kept in a special drawer lined with tissue and rosehip sachets tucked in the corners. She had scarves of every color, but most were shades of her favorite, blue. …

The Art of Removing a Wedding Band

20382038 views55 comments22 favs

If I was going to liberate myself from my marriage to Rosie, the first step ought to be to liberate myself from my wedding band. That wasn't going to be easy. Along with the more prominent rolls of fat I'd been accumulating, my ring finger now bulged over the upper…

My Love Affair With The Unknown Comic

20382038 views88 comments44 favs

At least, I think it was him. It sure looked like him.


20382038 views55 comments55 favs

I made this robot. Everyone was making them. Mine was a vacuum cleaner with a rubber jack-o-lantern mask taped to the handle. His name was Z-Bot2131F, but I just called him Brady, after my dead brother. Brady, my brother, had come out cold, and…

A Nun Walks Into A Library...

20352035 views1515 comments1111 favs

Library life is full of surprises.

Are You Okay?

20342034 views2929 comments1616 favs

Moving is like moving upstream, like swimming underwater against a mighty current. You are salmon people: pink, vulnerable.

Happiness in Love

20332033 views3434 comments2323 favs

The happiness was a tablecloth for a picnic. The happiness was the carpet in the hallway. The happiness was the wall behind the painting. The happiness was the sky behind the cloud. The happiness was the seating in the Saab.

Before I Forget (Notes from the Oubliette)

20322032 views1414 comments77 favs

Are you there? It’s been so long since I had someone to talk to. Besides Oscar and Wilde, I mean. I feed them crumbs of bread. They’re my pet rats, my only friends. Besides you, of course. How kind of you to remember me! How shall I begin?


20312031 views2121 comments2121 favs

"... you shake your head and look down as if I am a mongrel dog who has pissed the Tabriz..."

First Husband

20312031 views3333 comments1414 favs

"My, aren't you queery looking? She says.

A Letter to the Girl I May or May Not Have Slept With Last Night

20302030 views1111 comments33 favs

Can I really be blamed? Look at the circumstantial evidence: you wore that skirt, which can hardly be called a skirt. More like a very wide plaid belt.


20292029 views1717 comments1010 favs

Eli the dog cocks his head like a pistol; half cock, full cock.

Lips that Touch Liquor: The Gin Buck

20292029 views22 comments11 fav

It was twilight, and the sky was getting darker even as the lights of civilization were becoming more noticeable in the gloom. The daytime city, with its grit and dust and texture, was disappearing. Soon there would only be electric light and neon and the

Midnight Snack

20292029 views44 comments11 fav

I was about to answer when that something emerged from the woods. It was not an animal, after all, but a woman dressed all in brown. She ap­proached our porch windows. I shuddered and turned away. But her com­ing was inevitable. When I turned back, she


20262026 views11 comment11 fav

The neatly-gentrified Mtsensk District plaster buckled in all the right grey-painted places. The aged, yellowing windows rose and fell in fashionable decay. It was a well-upholstered citizen's slum, drawn to exacting state specifications. Local housing authorities…

You Don't Take Names

20262026 views1515 comments33 favs

You want to know what happened to him and your curiosity is a cat pawing at the edges of your impatience as you roam aggressively around your old haunts.