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12601260 views22 comments11 fav

time. Night after night he's up, restless. What if she knew his plans? If only he'd bypass his miscalculations and slip through


12601260 views2222 comments1414 favs

Over the years, his face began to alter

Big Heater

12601260 views77 comments55 favs

they got some heat here in the West

Liquor and Older Women

12601260 views66 comments22 favs

"What is a vageena?" I wanted to know.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 72

12601260 views55 comments22 favs

Ben considered his options in the taxi to Charles De Gaulle airport.

Grief Has No Welcome Garment

12601260 views88 comments55 favs

Twice burned, it buries its graves.

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.2 - c.4

12601260 views00 comments00 favs

Madam Mayweather heard the laughter stop and the copy of Jean-Pierre burst into smoke. Her silence was intense. Nobody in the auditorium knew what to expect. No one dared to say a single word.

The Everyday Juggernaut

12601260 views33 comments11 fav

I will go to work in the morning and no one will stop me. I wish someone would stop me. I don’t know if my car will start in this cold. But if it does (it always does), I am going to drive to work.

Counter intuit

12601260 views1212 comments1010 favs


86 the Conversation: A Side of Flat Screen TV with Your Burger?

12601260 views11 comment11 fav

This couldn’t be a bar; I was with my mother. It took a few seconds for the collision of senses to clear, and I realized the restaurant had not only one, but two flat screen televisions hung in their dining room, and a fake fire blazing in the fireplace.


12591259 views44 comments22 favs

There existed within them the deeper perdition, of course, the perdition of culture, American culture, the 21st Century suburban version, made up of Strip Malls From Hell.

Texas Weather

12591259 views1919 comments99 favs

I know this: the sky is vast here// and the sun unforgiving/ to any architecture not the best

The Beat of Sorrow

12591259 views00 comments00 favs

See a girl like Lily sitting offstage in a wooden chair in a fourth-rate club somewhere, crying, holding on so hard to so little, and as it breaks your heart to watch; forgive me. Understand me. You can’t rescue us. We all deserve more.

You Can Go Now

12591259 views44 comments55 favs

The summer when I was six and my sister Audrey was eight, she'd walk around our house pretending to be in a trance, fingers strategically hovering over my mother's vases and lamps, leaving smudges behind on my father's heavy oak desk and rocking chair. She'd lumber past my…


12591259 views33 comments33 favs

Things are a little out of hand. Information fills room after room after room. I have no bloody idea where I am. I have your photo, but the navigational coordinates are difficult to interpret. Where the hell are you, anyway? I don't like mazes — too much like…

Three Prayers for Rain

12591259 views44 comments33 favs

Still no rain. Eight months, says Hollister. More like nine, says James Earl. We stand in Hollister’s high meadow, what’s left of it.

Another "Accidental" Tryst

12591259 views1111 comments77 favs

She smacked his back a couple of times with the flat of her hand


12591259 views1414 comments66 favs

Sasha and I had snorted a table of cocaine and I had her trapped inside my Joy Division bedroom.

Worms Shouldn't Drink Whiskey

12591259 views66 comments55 favs

I have two memories of my dad. The first is a story he liked to tell: So my old woman came home one day with a worm. She sets the worm on the counter and goes into…

Power Ballad (Revised)

12591259 views00 comments00 favs

Everyone else in the bar was looking everywhere else: it was as though they were alone while Journey played loudly all around. “Streetlights, people,” she sang. Time didn't move. What she must be like while driving, singing to herself with the windows fog


12591259 views22 comments22 favs

My therapist told me I have post traumatic stress disorder My uncle had that He fought in the war I guess I fought in my own kind Not between countries Between children and father Between husband and wife Between addiction and sobriety When my father got…

To Do List

12591259 views88 comments99 favs

Throw them up there but try to make it look tidy. Try to become a little bit paranoid, just enough that you slightly overestimate how much they think of you at all.

This Is A Warning

12591259 views00 comments00 favs

Walking home, carrying his guitar case, Jed felt the sums of his life adding up to dangerously high numbers, the deadly inertia of vaguely comfortable apathy swallowing his time. His moment would soon be fading. Because, like many young men before him, Jed…


12591259 views22 comments22 favs

Had I said something before, she might could have saved a little face by telling me to go to hell before we tumbled into the covers. All right. Again, I was no gentleman. Send me to hell. Whatever. I lay there on my back, my arm around her, and listened t

Life is Life (or Ode to a great big idiot like Zizek)

12591259 views00 comments00 favs

The words(worlds) have become abstracted through contempt?


12591259 views44 comments33 favs

She vs her.


12591259 views1313 comments77 favs

You are a space-walker and a time-traveler...

Fancy That

12581258 views55 comments33 favs

Little mercy, ten fingers, ten toes.

Motel 6

12581258 views33 comments22 favs

He lit another reed - a new score orchestrating in his head - his thoughts swirling around the older man; there was something else going on here…


12581258 views44 comments33 favs

Shadows from a star Never too close Never too far