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John Ruskin doing a Swan Dive

12951295 views66 comments55 favs

She used her right breast. Lifted it to her chin, aimed at the can, and shoved it down as hard as she could.

You Don't Have To Put On Your Red Light

12941294 views88 comments33 favs

"She began singing The Police song, 'Roxanne' in a falsetto voice, just like Sting."

The Ann chapter

12941294 views11 comment00 favs

The way I felt was as though you were, every day, making the conscious and deliberate decision not to be with me, not to share your life with me—and not to share my life, that you were choosing not someone else, but something else.

Heavenly Blue Morning Glory

12941294 views55 comments11 fav

‘Oh, and try these. ' She handed me a plastic baggy full of seeds that resembled watermelon seeds, only smaller. ‘If these don't work your problem runs deeper...'

Winyah Bay

12941294 views1515 comments1212 favs

Effie reckons the river her sister keeps asking about, the Great Pee Dee, was named after some Indians.

Late Night Learning

12941294 views1414 comments1414 favs

A wrinkled man lie atop an ivory-clad mattress, matched sheets covered his body, matched hair covered his head.

two dudes talking

12941294 views22 comments11 fav

“What about this shirt?” “I didn't know Gap had an ‘approaching middle age pimp' department.” “So… no?” “Yeah. No.” “Approaching middle age?” “So…” “So?” “Soooooo…”…

Letter to the Bean Factory

12941294 views66 comments22 favs

The figure was covered in a light blue chenille bathrobe, splayed out on her back on the floor by the glass door, her hair done up in large curlers, a slipper lying askew by her left foot. Richie crouched near the face and the rancid flame of bourbon lea

The Nest

12941294 views00 comments11 fav

I am reaching out at you, to you from the nest. From the nest, please come to the nest, to see me and to hear my life story. From the nest I go, and then I arrive at the nest, suddenly, just in time to be…


12941294 views1010 comments66 favs

He is drilling the door of a safe to access the keys he locked inside.

My Poetic Nemesis

12931293 views44 comments33 favs

Except for the bathroom stalls—you know the one that goes “Here I sit all broken-hearted”—the only poetry in the house is composed by Hazel, recited to her fawning sycophants.

A Quantum of Disappointment

12931293 views1818 comments1212 favs

Reality winks at us then scampers off

The Monkeys and the Gun

12931293 views22 comments11 fav

The young male sat off by himself and nursed his wounds and a grudge.

Librarians! What Are We Hiding?

12931293 views1111 comments99 favs

Librarians are hiding something. What is it?


12931293 views77 comments44 favs

God damn you women get me all / twisted up thinking oohrahrah and lala


12931293 views00 comments00 favs

I didn't care for parties when Jackie was alive and I donot like them now. Deborah, our daughter,…

The Good Old Days

12931293 views66 comments66 favs

What she didn't tell me was that her brother Carl got fried during an electrical storm.


12931293 views88 comments33 favs

I was a whole man once.

taking work home with you

12931293 views88 comments33 favs

the sound of ashes/ being poured in the kitchen

Tales from the Friend Zone

12931293 views44 comments33 favs

The blade was wielded by a spunky brunette with a German accent and a laugh that made me weak at the knees.

Suppose, I ask my friend

12931293 views11 comment11 fav

nothing has ever happened in this or that or any other or maybe too damn many parallel universes. . . .


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“No Jumping!” Med.z Tony says. I pull open my switchblade and dust off my shoulder.

The Gate Before

12931293 views99 comments88 favs

You were always goingto connect the dots. I was always goingto overfill a bucketwith poems. You wouldeventually drive off wavingyour hand like astar on a spring. I'dshoulder up another notebookfor the walk. Myhand would rather holda pencil. Yours wouldaccept a kiss…

Happy Valentine's Day From Your Librarian

12931293 views66 comments55 favs

Is every librarian a poet at heart? I don't know, but a group of librarians recently put their heads together and came up with these library-themed Valentine's Day poems: Roses are red Your book's overdue You've had it for months Which is…

care & danger

12931293 views88 comments44 favs

When Roger was small his two favorite toys were a tiny, squat doll called Care and a rubber millipede.


12931293 views77 comments55 favs

He drifted for years: No forwarding. No phone.

Bravo, Scrittore!

12931293 views44 comments00 favs

I hadn't yet assembled enough pieces of Italian to explain any of this, but it was hardly necessary. The fact that I was a scrittore in a language foreign to her seemed to make me especially fascinating...


12931293 views44 comments22 favs

I imagined the crystals in my mouth. Salt flowers blooming on my tongue.

If You Have to Have an Ism

12921292 views4545 comments2020 favs

This is a lady who never got a break.


12921292 views1818 comments1313 favs

Taken by agents of the United States of America, Felix Six-Killer grows up at the Carlisle Indian School near Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. His hair is cut and oiled. His shirts are starched and creased. For months he is startled to find himself seated for…