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13251325 views66 comments33 favs

You took up residence on the dark side of things, a bolthole in a wind-flayed right angle of a tower block where pigeons and suicides tumbled blackly on the air currents. You set about drifting off from who you were on a tide of cheap whisky and bad poetry, graduating…

Cartoon Campfire

13251325 views99 comments88 favs

This is the parallel room that I keep my heart in. Got a solo fireplace. I don't want to invite anything else into the story. It doesn't matter if no one knocks on the door ever again. I'm too shy to hope for much more than a couple of Interesting…

For The Sea of Pill

13251325 views11 comment22 favs

In his dreams, he swam in piles of pills. Sometimes the piles were infinite, other times the were contained, tonight the pills were intense shiny reds, chalky yellows, deep blues and matte purples and swirled around in a children's inflatable castle. Derek swam happily,…

Rwanda Suite: Buzzed

13251325 views1212 comments1212 favs

They'd taken so much: ivory, rubber, copper, gold. Wealth for the grabbing. No remorse.

Bitter Orange

13251325 views00 comments00 favs

A poison bouquet of Merlot and brown floor muck bloomed in Seth’s nose. It’s one thing to sniff a freshly decanted red and another thing to shower in it.

Good Help Is Hard to Find

13251325 views1111 comments1010 favs

Some of them are notorious tweakers. Nobody epitomizes the cowboy-outlaw biker more than the ironworkers, who are wired on Black Beauties they sell on breaks.

The Tapeworm of Selfish Mammon Eats All the Good Will in the World

13251325 views77 comments77 favs

She caretakes, he takes care

Six Points of Light/ Dark Star

13251325 views1818 comments1717 favs

Johan was telling stories about the occupation. The Germans were stupid, he said.

The Poet Reads

13241324 views1313 comments77 favs

If ever I read a poem aloud It will not be from a podium’s shelter

Latte Art

13241324 views22 comments11 fav

The barista with the fake rainbow nails and amazing cleft. . . .

Three Houses Down

13241324 views88 comments33 favs

I walked on hot coals. She got ahead of me. (228 words)

Melancholy Happiness

13241324 views99 comments44 favs

It's only 4 lines.

Papadad: a portrait

13241324 views1212 comments1313 favs

Papadad has one good eye. The other fell out during a rant and has since been replaced by a rifle scope, which he uses to scrutinise enemies.——Papadad is an authority on everything, even topics he has not researched. He expatiates on these at the dinner table,…

Car Alarm

13241324 views1919 comments1515 favs

That’s the body for you.


13241324 views1414 comments99 favs

I crave the confines of the convent

Flannery O'Connor's Tea Party

13241324 views00 comments00 favs

“He's the one who took five tries to find your vein during your last blood draw, right?” This question spilled from the row of twenty EKG machines that now made up the hospital building's larynx


13241324 views77 comments66 favs

She loved me once. When we were young and the world revolved slowly in our hands. She never said as much, but she did. I knew by the way she moved, the looks, the whispers in the dead of night that carried only to my ears. We spent weeks on that beach in…

Marine Forecast

13241324 views2121 comments1616 favs

A favorite place doesn't always offer comfort.

Home Health Care

13231323 views88 comments77 favs

But what if it grew into a nasty tea party-ish bimbo right winger -- a little Michelle Bachmann nubbin?

A Tall Order

13231323 views66 comments33 favs

There was something about her eyes that he couldn't shake. He stood in line, waiting for his chicken finger tenders and one large size 32 oz. cola. No salad (a childhood aversion he had never abandoned), and no mashed potatoes. Friday night and the eve

Invisible Grime

13231323 views1010 comments77 favs

Most everything is white because white means clean and hospitals are supposed to be clean. They wouldn’t let me leave.


13231323 views2929 comments1313 favs

Cinnamon and smoke infuse the days that shorten, chill, accelerate.

The Clairvoyant Dwarf, The Jester, and the Tame Elk of Prague

13231323 views99 comments88 favs

All were part of the household of Court Astronomer Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) who lost his nose in a duel as a student and went through life thereafter wearing a gold prosthetic one instead and who met and fell in love with a commoner who bore him eigh

How to Shampoo in French

13231323 views55 comments33 favs

Commencons (let us begin) our deconstruction of la bouteille typique de shampooing (the typical shampoo bottle).


13221322 views1818 comments1616 favs

I can’t take my eyes off a tall blonde with green eyes. I catch her eye.


13221322 views88 comments77 favs

Tender veterinarian, even if you weren't so tall, or your eyes so warm, or your fingers so long, or if you didn't bend over my sick cat with such astounding grace, or shoot those quick, intense glances at me, I'd have woven dreams while in your uncommon presence. Vulnerable…

Here She Is

13221322 views1616 comments1212 favs

Indeed, it was quite likely that no one in town had ever played either of these games. The townsfolk were not big fans of word games, though they did enjoy Whist and Canasta.

lent (valentine's day challenge )

13221322 views66 comments55 favs

the names / she carried (within)

Pectoralis Minor

13221322 views11 comment11 fav

Her thumbs tucked beneath the waistline of her pants, slightly pulling them down to expose the eternity between belly button and bliss. I looked up at her as I slid my tongue along the rail of her hip, sucking at its point.

Band Names

13221322 views1010 comments66 favs

Post No Bills. The Crouton Mavens. United Burglars Union. Crockpot Mistakes. The Heavy Doors. Fire In the Yurt. Douche Baguettes. Upsy-Daisey. Schmazelhood. Sidetrackia. Flotsam and Jetsam. Argyle Sox. Roachmobile. The Adulterer’