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We Don't Need a Guitar Man

13561356 views55 comments22 favs

The courtroom smelled a lot like mold and it was hot as you could imagine. I sweated through my shirt and wondered if he wasn’t dying under his robe. He looked down at me from his bench and I just knew he was going to call me a commie and sentence me to l

Finder Girl

13561356 views33 comments22 favs

We fold it end over end, meeting in the middle where she takes it, and I let go...

A Million Pieces

13561356 views33 comments22 favs

Today's girls all look the same. Angie isn't even sure if one leaves and a new one enters. They blend together like paper-dolls, clinging to one another, connected, braided. This morning, while one of them lies with her legs in a V, the alarm goes off

Paul Shaffer's Gold

13561356 views44 comments11 fav

Paul Shaffer and his cloned henchman Mini Paul come rattling through the early morning sky in a modified World War I biplane.


13561356 views1414 comments1212 favs

Behind them all, in the background, a tray of vodka tonics waits on a glass table, the limes losing color as they drown.

Hyena Spit The Poem

13551355 views44 comments33 favs


I A Dog

13551355 views44 comments11 fav

I am a dog – four legs, a tail, a carefree enough manner, I do this, I do that, get into fights, sniff the ground and so on


13551355 views1313 comments77 favs

I am quite the wreck!

My Paper Boats, Your Paper Boat

13551355 views1212 comments1111 favs

You make your art when you can and Perhaps vice versa. You really Don't know what that means? Consult your tarot. You make your Art and visualize your mind As a large pool of water. You Make your art and if you're lucky They may…

SNIPS & SNAILS & PUPPY-DOG TAILS IS THE *LEAST* OF IT! by Ranting Bitch in a Cold, Cold World

13551355 views11 comment11 fav


The Color of Faith

13551355 views11 comment00 favs

My best friend Khaled’s idea was, he’d set up a pool tournament. Nine-ball. Each church would send a player, and whichever church won, he’d join. Any church that wouldn’t shoot pool, he wouldn’t want to join.

A Free Rinse

13551355 views33 comments33 favs

“Turn the fucking thing off!” I yelled above the noise. “It’s fucking New Year’s morning!”

If The Fire Is Not In Your Apartment

13551355 views99 comments88 favs

If you get crushed in New York City that's your own problem.

Literally Choose Your Own Adventure

13551355 views00 comments00 favs

You enter the lobby of the office building tentatively at first - you're a little nervous about this interview, after all - but you recall how spectacular and professional you dressed that morning. Plus you read through the company's LinkedIn profile at least five times…

Glory at the Motel 6

13551355 views99 comments77 favs

Rory and Betty Sloan entered the first of 40 rooms in the new Motel 6 to place Holy Bibles in 40 night tables.


13551355 views66 comments77 favs

The wind is wet today I can't tell you where sky meets sea only that it matters I can't explain why. I've triedCan't see the horizonbut I know that we have drawn itfingers tracing far pastthe edge of blind infinitywhere we sang stars to sleepand pinned our…

The Next Happy Act

13551355 views1010 comments1010 favs

We used to smile when we saw the other smile. We used to laugh just at the sound of our laughter.

After Grief

13551355 views55 comments22 favs

Within a day, she had a scummy apartment which belonged to the government. It had cockroaches, which she was not used to. They churned her stomach, repulsive little things. Not even creatures. Two brains, she'd read: one in the head, one in the ass.


13541354 views66 comments44 favs

When the arguing started, their voices would get louder and louder, till they broke into my dreams. That night, I woke and listened in the dark for what felt like a very long time. Perhaps I should have been afraid, but I wasn't. For one thing, they never

My Daughter Belongs In a Mental Home

13541354 views00 comments11 fav


The Office

13541354 views55 comments22 favs

But I still don't have my underwear in the right place.

Urgent, breathers: Pee before reading this novel!

13541354 views99 comments44 favs

A jollier zombie you shall never find. You must trust me on this!

What if god was one of us?

13541354 views11 comment11 fav

an old Black woman, a sequined black cap poised on the left of her crown of black infused gray hair.  A gray wool shawl that seemed to perfectly match her hair's color wrapped her all the way down to her hips, where a battered pair of blue jeans rested

The Serious Writer’s Obituary

13541354 views55 comments11 fav

...was discovered today hanging from a shower outlet in his bathroom...


13541354 views22 comments22 favs

I feel like shit.


13541354 views1515 comments1010 favs

He died a printer finding late/ after so much selling himself selling/ a craft that pleased and paid enough

Hazel - alt.punk excerpt

13541354 views22 comments11 fav

This is why people go into work one day with a shotgun. This is why people turn to the masses and drink Kool-Aid. This is one of the reasons behind Chuck Palahnuik’s conceptualization of Project Mayhem.

Stroller Mania

13541354 views88 comments66 favs

Get something cheap and light at Target. Trash hell out of it. Encourage baby to urp up in it.

Ditching the Universe for Katy

13531353 views88 comments22 favs

I am running for only one thing now. For Katy.


13531353 views33 comments22 favs

When VCRs were invented in the 1970s, the first big user segment was people who wanted to watch porno films in the comfort of their own home. Troy and Lynn's upstairs neighbor, James, an enlisted man in the Navy stationed at Pearl Harbor, had a vast porn…